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from reef to plant


3 Mar 2014
Hi guys iv only just Joined so go easy , im no stranger to fish keeping as I started off in the hobby keeping tropicals , that lasted a year then i went over to marine 7 years later and im going back to tropical haha , im currently in the process of selling all my sps corals and once all gone ill be getting my tropical tank , witch im really looking forward to 🙂 might I add , I don't really no a great deal about keeping planted tanks but one thing I do know is I want to do it right first time . So any information and guidance would be greatly appreciated .

what I would really like to know is the chemistry side of things , in my mind I want a Mh aquaoak tank 4-5 foot with a couple discus lots of really small schooling fish and a beautifully planted tank , so please feel free To fill me with information 🙂)
Welcome to the forum.
If you navigate to the Tutorials Section of the forum and you'll find some basic information covering just about all the important items.

Thanks for the advice guys , if there's one thing iv learnt in all these years of fish keeping is to read read read !! 😉
Biggest difference with planted tanks and reefs from my experience so far - less light is the key 😉
Haha yer fair one , can't get enough light over reefs 🙂 , does anyone have any thoughts on the Maidenhead aquaoak tanks ?
If you kept a marine tank for that long you will do just fine with a freshwater setup, take your until you sell those corals time and read about everything you don't know.

My only problem is selling the corals , I just want them all gone so I can crack on with my planted tank
Please post your questions in the appropriate forum and not in the Members Introduction section.
