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freshwater and saltwater next to each other

i would of thought that depending how close its is you might get osmosis and might find the mineral from the marine thank are finding their way in to the fresh water tank this can happen when tiny bubbles of air bursting at the surface of the marine tank send minerals airborne and thus landing on your fresh water tank.

But I'm no expert nor kept marines before.
I think you'll have to suck it and see. Depends on your lighting type and intensity i guess, for example led is more point source than fluorescent and has less spill. How high the light is above the tank etc will determine spill and intensity also......I'd be more worried about the extra light on the planted tank though! If your lighting is directly over tank or within a hood I wouldn't worry at all.
My tanks are too far apart for comparison and my marine has plenty of algae of its own anyway 😉