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FREE Filter with PFK!

I started subscribing to PFK in about 1987. Never got any free offers in those days except for a reddish brown coloured binder to put all your issues in. Used to have years and years worth, but then chucked them for some reason. Be quite interesting to have looked back at them now.

Still think that PFK is by far the best. Used to be well into marines quite a while ago and had a pond at my old house as well so most articles in it still interest me.

PFK is a great all-rounder IMO.

Some folk will always complain that their specific interest isn't covered enough. I did the same a couple of years ago about hi-tech planted aquaria and aquascaping. I felt so strongly that I thought I'd write some articles myself.

How ironic that some folk are now complaining that there's too much planted coverage.

I do think it needs an El Natural article series - low-tech, soil-based, non-CO2 etc. I can't do one because I've no experience in this area.
Perhaps that's my problem... I used to buy it and enjoy reading about stuff when I was keeping all manner of fish in numerous tanks and also contemplating things I had not tried (about 20 years ago), however, these days my fish keeping is not so dominant. I enjoy owning and maintaining the tank but it's not quite as consuming as it has been in the past.
George Farmer said:
I do think it needs an El Natural article series - low-tech, soil-based, non-CO2 etc. I can't do one because I've no experience in this area.

Now that's something I would buy it for.
When I eventually get round to doing mine maybe I'll document my experiences.
I subscribed initially to get the free nano, and then forgot to cancel the sub last year. I'll be cancelling this year coming, it just doesn't hold enough for me now, I guess most is either irrelevant or I know or can find the info elsewhere. Mag just gets skimmed and shelved at the moment.
LondonDragon said:
The thing is with cancelling and resubscribbing when you pay by direct debit they cannot increase your payments, so you pay whatever the subscrition fee was when you subscribed, if you cancel and do it again then you will pay the new prices.

They can increase the direct debit at any time, but they have to give you 10 days notice, and you're free to cancel the direct debit at any time.

http://www.bacs.co.uk/BACS/Consumers/Di ... ur+rights/

However, if they haven't - great! You've probably saved enough to buy any one of the free gifts you choose!

So who actually got their filter?

I saw the newsletter but it was a couple of weeks after it was sent so I guessed the stocks would have been exhausted by then. It's a bit crafty to pull people in and then give them something else, there should be a dedicated link so you know what you're getting IMO.

I've bought PFK on and off for a long time, subscribed once years ago. My Dad used to get Aquarist and Pondkeeper and had loads of old backissues I used to read as a kid in the '70s. I used to read them so much I can still remember bits of them today! It folded at some point and then started up again as Todays Fishkeeper, edited by Derek Lambert. I subscribed to that as I thought it was excellent. Had really in depth articles on new species and collecting trips with good descriptions and photographs of the locations. Unfortunately he died suddenly (I think he was still in his 40s) and it was never quite the same again. It folded again sometime later. Shame.

PFK do a good job (esp. with no competiton) but some articles are skimmed over IMO. Sometimes I think they're afraid of frightening off the beginner so dumb down to some extent. The only collecting type articles I've seen are Bleher's but they just don't capture my imagination. It's like reading someones notebook.

I quite like the setups Jeremy does, but I get the impression they're ripped down again once the photos are taken. It would be nice to see some longer term setups.

Just my opinion....and probably on the wrong forum!

Oh well....
Alot of people are still waiting for their filters including me, it's 1 big mess. Some people received their filters within a week or so of the offer and then loads of others myself included are still waiting being told different delivery dates. I know a few people were told it was sent the 20th march, a month later they were still waiting then it turned out whoever gave that info out was wrong.

Gotta say the whole thing has made PFK look really bad and has really irritated people, mainly those that didn't get the offer in time but hey first come first serve. The company responsible for despatching them are awful and it's PFK who are taking the flack for it, esp. poor Matt, I don't know how he copes with it all...stress balls methinks :lol:

I'll let you know when / if it ever turns up, it's a joke now my husband and I take the mick saying 'I wonder if todays the day it will finally turn up' it never does though 😛
Got mine, came in around two weeks, got it running on my 25lt hillstream biotope. I subscribed within around 15mins of getting the newsletter!

I'm a bit disappointed by the flow rate, though guess its only the 600 version, but in the 24x8x8 the flow is not nearly as strong as I had thought it would be. I should be getting 20x turnover, but it cant be from the looks of it.
