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Journal Freds new pond build

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Door now hung and fitted. Just some fittings to put on
Another bolt and two handles paint frame and door. Also new render and wall
Thats it done then it will be my grow on tank


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Door now hung .paint it and add some handles and a door lock tomorrow

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Prep door and fill a few holes in.8a5995d151883468e6c47518068b075f.jpgshaun built the door and hung it

My work this not shauns door prepared and wall

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Wall now painted and door undercoated

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The floor in the summer house was still tacky in places after 4 days. needs another coat. had doors open all day yesterday.

Shed was drying quick outside.
So today do summer house floor again.have a look at shed. see if this needs 2 coats.
The ochiba gin rin is still a live and swimming about. thats 3 weeks now
So looks as though salt bath has worked.
Just hope it survives the cold weather. then the test will come in the spring. when koi are at there weak st . immune systems
Are down due to the long cold winters.
Summer house now coated

Started under roof
Then the faceing cladding and doors
Summer house coated varanda and railings tomorrow.

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Finished it this morning.varanda deck now done.0362fcd3a2d4f747d5151fd83bcf64ce.jpg
Next job stain inside shed.
Cheers zozo green finger2 and anyone i have missed thank you

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Inside shed the start a708e8670ab9272c622cf43aa2410ed7.jpg
Doing both at same time.roof and walls. With this stuff you can t let it dry or over lap

Close up of varanda railings and deck
Thats it for today walls and ceilings completed in shed

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