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Found plant in canal

Ryan Thang To

18 Jul 2013
Hi all
Went to visit my inlaws and we took my son out to the park today and saw ton of this plant in the canal. Look like ludwigia arcuata to me but i know someone can id this plant. There ware giant valis too. Took some back with me to a stem in my dad tank to take some photo. If anyone know the name that would be great.


I found a similar looking plant growing next to Elodea in a canal, but looked a bit more smaller thinner leaves than yours could be the same though,after rinsing and leaving outside a while tryed it in the front room tank,it struggled ,think it was the warmer temperature,then tried it in unheated minnow tank upstairs and it thrived qiuckly growing in big bushy clumps then it threw out tiniest little flowers,blueish,it also overwintered in a wash bowl outside over winter filling up the bowl by spring A ref book id it as Crassula Aquatica, think so because of the flowers.If yours is same cooler temperature would be needed.Mick D or Darrell maybe have a idea
Looks like a Potamogeton sp. 🙂 Might need to look at the mature plant with flower for a definitive ID but i a guess, P. strictifolius, common names are straight or narrow leaved pondweed..
Think my expierence was that as Darrel says temperate temperature was best ,could just try it and see Ryan20161105_191317.jpg