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Forests Underwater by Takashi Amano at Lisbon Oceanarium

I think this will open the market, or better yet, the few of fish tank lovers, to a whole new level.
Totally agree. This is the best showcase I can imagine for ADA in Europe. I'm not sure if it is going to be so successful as the Sumida Aquarium (in Asia ADA is nearly a religion), but this would help for sure to get more established. (If this makes the prices drop by a 50% it is ok with me 🙂 )

This scape has been called "temporary" and looks like it will probably be there 12-18 months, I am sure they built the space not just for this and will be changing it with another scape in the future with maybe a different theme, looks foward to an invitation for the UKAPS crew to help out 🙂

The hobby in Portugal is quite large already, as you can see by the number of Portuguese journals we have in this forum, the main aquascaping forum in Portugal has around 70,000 members, they used to host their annual party at the Lisbon Oceanarium where all the top aquascapers in the world have done live demos and talks (Takashi Amano, Oliver Knott, Tom Barr, the list goes on ...)

The Oceanarium is marine dominated and this is a huge step, I am in Lisbon at least once a year so look forward to visiting the Oceanarium more often now 😉
Totally agree. This is the best showcase I can imagine for ADA in Europe. I'm not sure if it is going to be so successful as the Sumida Aquarium (in Asia ADA is nearly a religion), but this would help for sure to get more established. (If this makes the prices drop by a 50% it is ok with me 🙂 )


religion in japan only i think , price of ada goods is quite premium and marked up high , only i seen handful of people buy tanks , lights , most will only use their soil .
religion in japan only i think , price of ada goods is quite premium and marked up high , only i seen handful of people buy tanks , lights , most will only use their soil .
Mmmm, not sure. The ADA authorized retailer in my town (he was in Lisbon helping during the setup, you can spot him several times in the videos) has to compete with 4-5 LFS more and with at least 5 more authorized retailers at the National level. But he manages to run his business (shop and online) mainly selling ADA stuff. Honestly I have only seen a few times folks buying expensive stuff (I mean, beyond AquaSoil) but note that if he manages to sell a few complete ADA setups each month it probably means more benefits than the rest of the LFS will earn in one month selling standard material. And of course the shop (he recently moved to a larger shop) is simply a wonderful place... I don't believe in miracles but I recognize it is easy to get hypnotized when you see a good collection (+12) of planted tanks from ADA. If you are a good customer you receive high format wonderful ADA booklets that makes the "shopping experience" (that's how the call it now, isn't it?) more hypnotizing, you even bring your stuff home in an cool ADA bag like in a boutique.... I reminds me very much the Apple/Nespresso approach, you know? Not selling just computers/coffee, but THE computer /coffee YOU never knew you needed.

Call it business experience, call it religion or however you want. The fact is that it works really well, at least here in Spain

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forgot to mention its based for asian market ,not sure about europe , guess it all depends on your budget , if you have spare cash to spend , why not . but i still think ada should revised their pricing outside japan
ada should revised their pricing
I agree, their prices are to high, but so is the quality....still doesn't mean you should pay more for ADA than, let's say, Eheim products. I see many tanks here using ADA substrate, copy lily pipes, copy lights and Eheim canister filters...it's OK, let ADA come up with new ideas, China will copy them LOL
Got some info on the set-up. do hope they do something about that three grey piping ,remind me of harley davison exhaust pipes.

(translated ) The lighting system 70 is composed of metal halide lamps of 800 W each , mixing color temperature 6,000 ° K and 10,000 ° K . Four large filters will be used, provided with mechanical and biological media. The flow and the power of the bombs have not been revealed. Further details on the other aquarium facilities as CO2 systems , fertilization and maintenance are still unknown to the public , but gradually be revealed .
good point by Jurijs on the field of perspective , at first i was quite disappointed with the scape , no details , three exhaust pipes all around ,sloped stem plants looks like living wall concept , reviewing the videos , this tank is not meant to be view closed up like the video but standing maybe somewhere at the centre further back to view it as a whole , anyway its still too early to say , have to wait till tank open to public and fully grown in
The World’s Largest NA Project: Story - Part 3, It is available in the channel of Aqua Design Amano on youtube.

I decided to move to text the plants used in the assembly, I leave here the list:
Bolbitis heudelotii
Microsorium pteropus "Narrow leaf"
Microsorium pteropus
Anubias barteri var. nana
Anubias barteri var. barteri
Anubias barteri "butterfly"
Fontinalis antipyretica
Hygrophila pinnatifida
Nymphaea "Tiger lotus red"
Nymphaea "Tiger lotus green"
Vallisneria americana nana
Vallisneria spiralis "Leopard"
Blyxa aubertii
Blyxa sp (from Kimberley)
Echinodorus angustifolia
Echinodorus lantifolius
Echinodorus "Red rubin"
Crinum calamistratum
Crinum natans
Sagittaria subulata
Cryptocoryne wendtii "hybrid"
Cryptocoryne petchii
Cryptocoryne ciliata
Echinodorus tenelus
Hydroctyle Martima Honda Australia
Alternanthera cardinalis
Alternanthera reineckii "Lilacina"
Alternanthera reineckii
Hygrophila salicifolia
Hygrophila corymbosa "Red"
Hygrophila corymbosa var stricta
Hygrophila salicifolia "Long form"
Hygrophila angustifolia
Hygrophila corymbosa
Hygrophila corymbosa var. siamenais
Hygrophila "Pantanal wavy"
Hygrophila "Araguaia sharp leaf"
Hygrophila corymbosa "Cherry leaf"
Echinodorus "Red Flame"
Echinodorus "Rubin x narrow leaf"
Echinodorus cordifolius harbioh red
Echinodorus amazonicus
Echinodorus "Rose"
Echinodorus "Ozelot" green
Echinodorus schlueteri
Echinodorus "Res rubin"
Echinodorus "Devil's Eye"
Echinodorus uruguayensis
Echinodorus argentinensis
Hygrophila polysperma
Ludwigia glandulosa
Ludwigia repens
Rotala ceylon
Rotala sp "Fukkensyou"
Now that is class! Quite stunning...how many hours of maintenance a night I wonder?
I guess the whole night. I'm just happy to see some signs of GSA and BBA on the Anubius in that last picture 😀
Been there with a small group (no more than 40 😛 ) and now i can share with you the pictures. Hope this push you to come visit Lisboa 🙂
Thanks for sharing the photos 🙂 whats your views about the project?

I will be visiting on July 15th 🙂 all booked now!