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Folly of the Pipefish

Re: Curves in all the right places

the slate monoliths are going a lovely shade of green. have not moved it today as spent most of it at our LFS
Re: Curves in all the right places

did not need to move the tank in the end. glazers covered it with a dust sheet while they worked around it.(they arrived 1 week early).

Have not done anything to it. have been treating all the fish to mozzies and bloodworm from the mozzie barrell.
Right arm is messed up a treat 🙁 . blood test and something gone horribly wrong, arm is too painfull to use. been off work since wednesday afternoon. Good thing district nurses at work have been great, and explained what i should be doing to ease the pain.
typing with 1 hand takes ages 🙁
Re: Curves in all the right places

I was hoping to plumb in the external, but will have to wait. good thing i am seeding the ceramic media in the HOB.
Re: Curves in all the right places

Bad news Gill, hope its nothing serious!
You dont seem to have been having the greatest run of luck recently.
Get well soon,
Re: Curves in all the right places

spill50 said:
Yeah hope you get well soon.

Them chunks of slate look huge! I would have been crapping myself lifting them into my tank ;P

They are pretty big and heavy, I use an old towel or a few sheets of microfibre cloth. Works very well at cushioning the rocks on the glass.
Re: Curves in all the right places

Was in the garage yesterday looking for a charger, and came across a victorian cloche. just thinking about what i can do with it, as would be a very interesting little emersed setup.
Re: Curves in all the right places

one advantage of being manager of an aquatics shop. get to take home whatever plants i want on new delivery day.
Re: Curves in all the right places

wifey did not let me scape up the cloche. we are ordering in some young lnd hermits in the next few weeks - so she may change her mind when she see the little stunners.

decided not to plumb in the external as watching a few of tyne valleys vids on youtube. made me want to try a moving bed filter. so made on from a cream bath soak bottle, and used cut up drinking straws as the media + some ceramic rings. working really well, and they straws are starting to really circulate after a week on being turned on. have already seen a noted difference in the quality of the water.

wild females dropped again and a few are looking a bit haggard afterwards.
platties are dropping, and dry are going into the planted shelf for cover, sneeky female figters are wriggling their way up into it and hunt them down. as well as the BB Gobies.

very happy with all the plants i nabbed from the tanks at work, as they wouls have gone in the bin this morning. tidied them up and planted them. this will be a regular thing at work, plants that do not sell wil either go in bin, rebunched and added to stock tanks, or will be brouht home for my own use.

on another note, we should have our ebay store up and running within a few weeks. need to dismantle the old koi vat and put up a shed for a packing station and storage area. and viewed a fighter barraks system earlier that would mean we could house 120 fighters at a time in the store.
Re: Curves in all the right places

Noticed that the issues I was having with Hair/Thread algae have disappeared on their own. Now the Java Moss is growing very well. Four leaf clover has slowed down a bit and is no longer sending runners to the surface. It is now low in amongst the hair grass.
Re: Curves in all the right places

Came home from the Shop and found my Flying Foxes had all decided to fly. Wife found them all on the carpet, bummed out. Saying that though, i can buy some more in the morning when we go pick this weeks order from the supplier.
Re: Curves in all the right places

spill50 said:
ah that sucks, I suppose they are living up to their name.

Yeah, I have had them since they were vvsmall, and they are great grazers.
Might try some of the Smaller Garra species like the pingi
Re: Curves in all the right places

Going to have some fun today, as Got in Adult Purple Land Hermit Crabs. Planted the tank up with Emersed Moss' that we have growing outdoors in one of the Green Genie filter boxes. And they have been busily looking for all the Gammarus that were in the Moss and munching on the Moss.
And some Nice fish coming in Next week, Have got some Juvi Hara Jerdoni in. Might just have them myself, as can't see them selling at the moment in the area.
Re: Curves in all the right places

What a Horrible Evening last night. The Brand Spanking new TMC Marine Tank Burst, as I was filling it and went all over the Electrics for the Till, Debit Card machine, PC, All in One Printer, Fax, CCTV, Etc. Took ages to get everything dried out and tested/working again. Hopefully Debit machine is working.
Re: Curves in all the right places

Ohhh and on the tank, have loads of Water Lettuce covering the surface and lots of nice islands of riccia on the surface of the water.
Re: Curves in all the right places

Apologies for not updating this journal.
Changed the hardscape back over to Bogwood. Took out most of the HG, as wanted to experiment with it,(Worked, and using in new shrimp Bowl).
Left most of the substrate open and a few clumps of Four Leaf Clover, which is still growing but slowed down alot. Not sending up tall shoots, and staying low now.
Added a Few frogs for the little one, he likes to look for them in the evenings.
Added a few Platinum Blue dwarf gouramies and they look really nice.
I have new inhabitants coming tommorrow, and can't wait.
Re: Curves in all the right places

Going to Pick up my new fish later. So excited, as never had these before, and at a small size so can watch them grow and mature (Hopefully pair off).
Most of you know how eclectic I am with my fish choices and as I have kept some very diverse fish over the years, I am hoping these will be Long Term Additions. Got their foods growing already, just need to restart the brine shrimp factory for them.