Hi all
Many many many thanks for coming to the stand. Cant thank Hellen ( Egmal ) Steve ( SteveUK ), Clark ( Superman ) Tom ( Tom Messanger ) Lorran ( Lozbug ) and the Daddy of UKaps.....Farther John Starkey. You where all a great help, and you really helped us lighten the load, me and Dan are very gratefully for all your help, and for making sure me and Dan didn't wither away by fetching food and drink for us, your all stars.
I think, but im going to say this.....we stole the show as far as WOW factor goes. We had a much bigger stand but I wouldn't say prime location. The numbers of public where disappointing, but the people who where there loved UKAPS.
The 3 nano displays was a good move, and help draw people in.
2nd and 3rd for the society furnished aquariums is quite respectable given the the cutting edge design we presented - Scaped at the end of a very long day at around midnight.
People where very interested in the comparisons of the opti white, and as Steve has pointed out, its more than obvious when you can compare it to float glass when face to face.
We did our best to promote and big up the sponsors too.
And again, thanks Steve for pointing out.Doing just this show alone takes a lot or organising, allot of polite and friendly emails to big brands and companies for support and help, and if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't of had as much to display, so many thanks to them. More emails to write and say thank you, jeez im getting mouse elbow! lol
Really nice to meet the odd member who could make it too, and who came over to say hi, some of which joined from seeing us last year, so I hope we get many more as a result.
Terry, it was a pleasure to talk to you. The product I mentioned was SERA Syporax. You can get it in rings or as a crushed granular form...go for the granular. I know TGM sell it, but im not sure about the other companies. Failing that, get your self more Ehime Bio balls and make sure that the water that passes over them is the last part of the filtration cycle. I use filter wool before my biological media and after all my mechanical and chemical medias.The biological filtration should be that last stage and the water its cleanest as it passes through.
Glad to help you Terry.