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Flow in planted tanks

I think most of the filters they use in the larger tanks they have at least 1 of the Eheim 2080s. These have 2 inlets and 1 outlet and flow around 1700ltrs per hour.
So the flow rate should be quite substantial I would think.
I was just thinking about another aspect of the Dupla system ( and others of the time) that revolved around washing the filter sponges on a two week rota.
In your external on internal filter there would be three, course filter sponges, it was recommended or even “important” to wash the bottom one every two weeks and replace it onto the top of the stack.
The more I think about those early days, the more I remember how much you had to do, and if you did not keep some sort of record ... just how easy it was to get muddled up with the system.!

It is good to reminisce with a whiskey and ginger in your hand but, I seem to remember how proud I was to see my plants flourishing and also how hard it was to find fresh rain water in the summer!
It is amazing how the hobby has changed over the years, even to a relative newcomer looming back... I've had success with tanks with absolutely no flow (with no co2). Must admit that I just don't subscribe to the costs associated with the high end of the hobby. I'm perfectly happy with the range of plants that don't need co2 (or as much maintenance) don't need low iron glass etc etc, though I can't deny these tanks look stunning!! Every time you see a video by a YouTuber doing a cheap setup there is a mix of awe and amazement, then the doubters come along... it is possible to have low tech, low cost beautiful tanks believe me!ec9a981ef99d682866ffcee5f126f71a.jpg8ceed5f8ec89b48b6478b1531b73ff17.jpg
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Cant believe I missed this thread 😳 But have been really busy TBH

Having been to GA I was blown away at how good the tanks was with massive amounts of light with the non dimable ADA RGB solars too and the flow was very low IMO. it was pretty mind blowing. I was looking very close not at a picture/vid but up close so there was no hiding it.
Few things stood out after a long chat with the Guys
Temp - all tanks was at 22 degrees
Intense light
8Hr photoperiod

All the tanks had UV filters on them
Algae free or very very hard to find.
No tank older than 12 months.
All the tanks are stunning as is there shop.
They dont clean there filters that often - think it was about once every three months

We do bang on about the x10 rule for tank turnover ( which I believe is the right place to start) but as Alto has said a few times his tanks are not x10 more like x5 and he has no issues.
Cant believe I missed this thread 😳 But have been really busy TBH

Having been to GA I was blown away at how good the tanks was with massive amounts of light with the non dimable ADA RGB solars too and the flow was very low IMO. it was pretty mind blowing. I was looking very close not at a picture/vid but up close so there was no hiding it.
Few things stood out after a long chat with the Guys
Temp - all tanks was at 22 degrees
Intense light
8Hr photoperiod

All the tanks had UV filters on them
Algae free or very very hard to find.
No tank older than 12 months.
All the tanks are stunning as is there shop.
They dont clean there filters that often - think it was about once every three months

We do bang on about the x10 rule for tank turnover ( which I believe is the right place to start) but as Alto has said a few times his tanks are not x10 more like x5 and he has no issues.

One thing I took from them (and would add the list) was the use of a substantial and mixed 'clean up crew' comprised of shrimp, snails and ottos and a twinstar in each tank. Also someone cleaning the tanks every day could help 🙂
One thing I took from them (and would add the list) was the use of a substantial and mixed 'clean up crew' comprised of shrimp, snails and ottos and a twinstar in each tank

Yes :thumbup: At the time I went to GA I did have a pest snail problem and was testing some treatments on smaller tank, but after seeing the tanks at GA and there snails I decided to accept the pest snails and introduced some ramshorn snails as well, I did already have about 50+ amanos and some RCS, the RCS are incresing in number by the month but did take some time to get going, took months for the RCS to get young ones but spot them all over the tank now and get plenty out of the canister when cleaning it as well.

At present the algae in my tank is less than its been for a long time and the light more intense than its ever been, Plus I have stopped LCO dosing as some plants just wasnt doing very well, Been about a month since I stopped the LCO but I do haver the Maxspect Gryes which have massive flow output which I have been slowly increasing their output too.
IIRC back in the 70's we used to lay the ( seperate ) heater horizontally along the rear face just above the substrate and used the rising warmer water. I got the impression that convection was the only movement of water?