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floating plant water change

Andy Pierce

27 Nov 2020
Cambridge, UK
I recently picked up some Salvinia minima for the Shrimphaus after seeing it in action at @Aquarium Gardens at the recent get-together. How do people deal with floating plants during a water change? Do you just suck out the water working around the floating plants or do you scoop them out and put them back in after the water change?

Interestingly, the Salvinia minima came from Tropica and if you peel off the 'Salvinia minima' sticker it shows it used to be called Salvinia auriculata - are these the same thing?
I always leave them in, that is if you don't intend to do a massive or 100% water change. Then fill back up carefully, most should be fine and orientate themselves the right way up, those that don't you can give a helping hand to.
I think S. minima is smaller than S. auriculata. Maybe Tropica were just getting the most out of available packaging or they were wrongly packaged.

My floating plants grow so fast, I just leave them there. If they get in the way, they just get plowed through. Either they’ll break down in the tank and snails will eat them or they’ll get chucked out into the compost when I need to cull them anyway.
Hi all,
Interestingly, the Salvinia minima came from Tropica and if you peel off the 'Salvinia minima' sticker it shows it used to be called Salvinia auriculata - are these the same thing?
You have to look at the water repellent hairs (trichomes), but if they <"look like little egg whisks?"> They are Salvinia "auriculata" group.

I'd guess that most of the Salvinia plants, sold under a variety of names, are S. auriculata s. l.

I've always left floaters in when carrying out a water change.
Same for me, but I mainly do small volume water changes.

cheers Darrel