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Fleshy coloured deposits in my filter pipes


13 Dec 2009

I seem to be having an ongoing problem with what i can only describe as fleshy coloured deposits all over both the inlet and outlet pipes of both my filter and powerhead. It rubs off really easily in flakes, and starts to dislodge by itself once it builds up enough. I would say it builds up to that point after maybe 6-7 weeks.

I have just cleaned everything so unfortunately i have no pictures, can anyone offer any suggestions what this is? :?

Tank specifications - 240l
Lighting - 2x54w T5 - 7 hours (with 2 hour burst of 4x54w T5 in the middle)
CO2 - Pressurised FE, 4 bps - drop checker showing correct colour yellow/green all over the tank, on 2 hours before lights, off 1 hour before lights out.
Filtration - ext filter 1000l/h, full length spray bar distributing CO2 using 3000l/h powerhead

Fertilisation routine - 500ml pre mixed bottles (pretty sure im being more than generous with the ferts?)
15 teaspoons KNO3 + 8 teaspoons KH2PO4 - Dose 60ml - Mon, Wed, Fri
9 Teaspoons traces - Dose 60ml - Tue Thurs
Detritus alright. I get it too. Sometimes when I switch off my filter for waterchanges then turn it back on, a bunch of it comes jetting out of the spraybar. I use a normal fish net to trap them.
I do 50% water change twice a week, hoovering any loose detritus up in the process. I dont have any fish in there at the moment so theres never much mess. Cleaning the filter and pipes every 6-7 weeks when this stuff builds up.

Do i need to be cleaning the filter more or is there another reason?