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fishie related petition - sign?

was there a need for that, Gill? ever heard of "if you haven't got anything nice to say...don't say it"?

yes there are about a dozen different routes and this is one. I don't see a ban on a fish over 30cm happening, that would put a dampener on Koi sales for sure...
Tom said:
4 food tank minimum for goldfish? Really?

considering a common or comet Goldfish gets huge and is as messy as an Oscar, yes! this is the problem, no one wants to admit how much space fish like these really need.
Gill said:
Totally Unrealistic Drivel.
Goldfish and their stocking is often a cause for heated debate, but please bear in mind the UKAPS Rules and Guidelines when posting comments.

They are posted at the top of every forum.
Comets fair enough a pond would be the best bet, but for the average fancy goldfish wont get half that size. Some might, course. The trouble you'll face trying to change something like this is that it would be too damaging to the industry to enforce. Imagine how much would be lost on sales if there was a minimum tank requirement.

I'm all for stopping fairs giving fish as prizes, and goldfish bowls etc. I'm just not sure how do-able it would be to enforce minimum sizes of around 4 foot! Maybe if shops (like many do) would refuse sales for unfiltered tanks that might be a more practical start.

Tom said:
Comets fair enough a pond would be the best bet, but for the average fancy goldfish wont get half that size. Some might, course. The trouble you'll face trying to change something like this is that it would be too damaging to the industry to enforce. Imagine how much would be lost on sales if there was a minimum tank requirement.

I'm all for stopping fairs giving fish as prizes, and goldfish bowls etc. I'm just not sure how do-able it would be to enforce minimum sizes of around 4 foot! Maybe if shops (like many do) would refuse sales for unfiltered tanks that might be a more practical start.


the point of the petition was not to set a minimum tank size (which would indeed be impossible to enforce) but to restrict sales of very small unfiltered bowls as fish tanks. the bit at the bottom was merely a mini-rant at how much space these fish need. take away the possibility of buying a 1 gallon goldfish bowl and the buyer will have to think again about this possible "pet" their kids were considering.

exhibit A:
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 937AAG0bet
The common goldfish grows about 12 inch or more. Anyway most of them won't have that chance unfortunately.
Regardless the fish I'd like to see a law that enforces pet shops to display a full size picture of the fish at maturity and a minimum of specs for the tank.

The sad fact is that the majority perceive goldfish (and other species) purely as floating ornaments. To change this perception through appropriate education is the key to success, I feel.
clonitza said:
The common goldfish grows about 12 inch or more. Anyway most of them won't have that chance unfortunately.
Regardless the fish I'd like to see a law that enforces pet shops to display a full size picture of the fish at maturity and a minimum of specs for the tank.


That would certainly have an impact on the ill-informed customer who takes a shine to the cute little red tailed catfish on display! Whether the LFS selling the deceptive behemoth would do it is another question entirely...

Enforcement of such things is always going to be where they fall down though I imagine.
What I said was Harsh, But Banning Bowls would do nothing but create more problems.
If a Minimum Tank size no less that a gallonwas brought in, it would create alot of problems for the Nano/Pico market. And then you have to consider other business' that use Goldfish Bowls in their field of trade: Florists, Cake companies, Sweet Retailers, Decorators, Candle Shops.
Of course If a ban came into place, Goldfish bowls would simply be rebranded as vases and continue to be sold. Already happening at the moment in some shops. I have seen Goldfish Bowls simply renamed as vases.
unfortunately goldfish are still seen by the majority of the population as a cheap pet for a child that is not going to be around too long (the fish that is not the child!), the idea of a life sized cutout of an adult, now that is not a bad idea, plus make it compulsory that this image is to be taped to the front center of any tank containing gold fish that are for sale, if you really want your government to sit up and take notice, suggest a £5 tax on each and every goldfish imported or sold in the country. hey presto all ministers eyes and ears are open!
It is a hard one to fix. Many shops make money on bread and butter fish like goldfish, they are bought, then people kill them, then as they already have a bowl they come back for more.

I was doing a talk at a local school and even the teachers were surprised at how long a goldfish lives if they are taken care off. I told them that 2 months are not normal lifespan for a goldfish, and anything under 50l is a waste to get for a run of the mill fish.

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A fish shop near me has just put two fancies in a BABY biOrb on display. Aaaarrrrgh......
I wonder how many of the people who are so agaist this have themselves kept goldfish in a bowl when they where kids i know i did its what got me started in this hobby. its easy to take the moral high ground and say that this should not go on but this is where kids learn about life and death we shouldnt keep hamsters in a cage or rabbits in a hutch but we do. If keeping a goldfish in a bowl as a child educates and encurages the next generation to take up this fasinateing hobby then so be it.
howanic said:
A fish shop near me has just put two fancies in a BABY biOrb on display. Aaaarrrrgh......

This is why shops can't be entirely relied on to give out proper info, the bad apples out there will still sell things that they can get away with.

I have no problem with glass bowls instead being sold as vases, that's fine, things like this are the problem and still sold in many pet shops as fish bowls, a florist is not going to use one of these as its hideous.

Yes it's a tricky one! And things like this little petition I would like to think, if it got enough signatures, the Government would be FORCED into thinking about the fishkeeping industry.