I had a 30l with approximately 100 blue velvet shrimp in. I sold them all in 3 days at £2 each or 5 for £10. I needed to get rid of them quickly and one guy said they were a bargain but you also get loads of "yur mate they breed like rabbits. I'll give you 50p for the lot and I'm doing you a favour" type time wasters contacting you.
I think if you had a well insulated shed, with a container for each colour strain that was as large as you could fit in the space (I'm thinking IBC 1000l as the larger the volume of water the more temperature stable it will be). You don't really need lighting. An air driven sponge filter wouldn't cost much to run. If you want to continue production in the winter, heating would be your biggest cost but if you don't mind slowing down production over the winter you could reduce heating and feeding slightly as neocaridina are quite tolerant of cooler temps. Making your own food saves a massive amount of money but takes time.
As others have said I don't think there's much money to be made especially when you factor in your time. All of the stock produced abroad have the benefit of higher ambient temps (among others) which massively removes/reduces costs.
Having said all of that, I intend to do something similar eventually, just for the enjoyment of doing it and to supplement future fish/shrimp purchases. I'll probably just trade them for store credit as I got fed up of people messing me about and haggling.
Best of luck with it.
I think if i take it very slowly and only use the money I make from the snails, shrimp, etc to expand then it would slowly scale up over time9probably a long time though). Time is something I have a lot of however as I am only 16 and often find myself quite bored, so I though I might as well do something which i enjoy and can make me even just a little amount of money as that's always a bonus.
Also, if I can start producing plants aswell this would also contribute to profits. I have been trying to produce stems in a 90l tub however they aren't growing as fast as they are in my tank and after trimming them twice, I notice they start to turn brown. So now I have dropped the water level in the tub all the way down to just above the plants and I'm waiting for them to grow emersed as I think I may have more luck with that. Currently I have water wisteria, limnophila sessiliflora, ludwigia repens (green) and a few others. Over the course of the year I have sold 25 bunches (of 5 stems) at £1.12 profit each, every time I get these back in stock they sell out very fast and the same goes for the bladder snails I have sold.
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