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fish gasping at surface


5 Feb 2010
One of my rainbows developed fungus where she was bitten by a barb.I dosed the tank with Interpet anti fungus as per instructions but within hours the fish appeared a bit distressed .The fish did not improve and whilst removing to
euthanase,I accidentally dropped in a net with clove oil on it,
The fish have reacted very badly all gasping at the surface.I did an immediate 50% water change and put in a big dose of filter bacteria.these seemed to help but this morning I saw they were just as bad and did another water change.Again it helped for a while but they are as bad again.Have I caused permanent damage? I also removed a huge amount of limnophila just before all this leaving only crypts and swords.I have run my rio125 for three years without any problems whatever and this is driving me nuts.Any advice much appreciated.


Hi barney

I'm not sure of the active ingredient in clover oil or how stable it is in water but do you have an air bubble try running this for a bit get the O2 levels up a bit see if that the problem if it dose maybe you have not got enough surface agitation this helps with O2 levels if you have a spray bar pull it up a bit get some nice ripple on the surface of the tank

Also have you got a small internal filter spear?

If you have pack it with active carbon

or a filter bag you can hang a bag of it in front of your filter outlet this will work as well and save tearing your external filter apart if you have one and leave it running for a few days this will remove any toxins from the water

Are you injecting any CO2 ?
Isn't oil hydrophobic (scared of water) so it doesn't mix. Wikipedia says the active ingredient is Eugenol which is "slightly soluble in water".

I would just keep doing water changes. It's possible they are reacting to the bacteria you have put in, it can block their gills - is the water cloudy?
Yea the base used to make it will be an oil but active ingredients in the oil maybe water soluble if there was a high enough concentration of oil on the net then a small amount of the active ingredients could of mixed with the water

Keep up the large water changes and if you can get some active carbon get some of that going

not sure how stable Eugenol is in water but you may be able to simply bubble it off with O2

But also get a bubbler going or increase the O2 levels it wont hurt and may help the fish and stop the gasping while it removed with the water changes and carbon if you decide to use
Hi there.

Thanks to your good advice all fish have now fully recovered,with the loss of two rainbows.This is the great thing a bout this forum,the wealth of knowledge available is fantastic.

Thanks again
