Could gold spot dwarf plecos work?
Im not familiar with this specific species but in general the prettier the pleco is, the less you will see of it 😅
Some people are totally fine with this, to catch a glimpse of the fish once every year or so if youre unlucky.
For others its not a good fit, we're all different so I would ask you if you want to get fish that you can see most of the time, or if you think you like the more cryptic varieties
Then we can better guide you on what species to get. Im sure we have others on the forum who can chime in with experience on this specific fish.
Also someone recommended getting an airstone could help with hill str
If youre really set on hillstream loaches then you would need far more than an airstone. It comes back to not trying to shoehorn something in to fit where it doesnt really go, but instead look at the most optimal and go from there. Its their home and we owe it to them to make it so they are not just surviving, but thriving. Unfortunately as species we humans are quite selfish, and we have to consciously try to fight our predisposition for it and think of what the animals want. This is why you will see all over the internet people who are keeping things in certain conditions, or together with certain things, and insist that it is "fine". Even though some of these situations are not very good for the fish and sometimes downright cruel. They want it to be "fine" and therefore wont see anything else.
If you really want hillstream loaches then I think you should make a really nice
dedicated setup for them! 😊 A river biotope with stones and pebbles of various sizes, and high flow pumps like they need for their natural behavior. Ive always admired the hillstreams, but since they are specialized fish I havent bought any as I dont have the setup they need. If the other fish experts on this forum say ok to your tank size then all you would need is to rearrange a bit to make it more suited for them. For starters you could look at
this article, its a few years old now but it captures the essence of these kinds of loaches. You will probably have less room for plants, but I think something like Vallisneria growing out from between the rocks and flowing in the current would look really beautiful. There are a ton of cool mosses as well that would look really good growing out from cracks between the rocks 😃