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Fish food for small/nano fish


New Member
20 Jun 2024
united kingdom
Hi Everyone,

Recently bought a small group of Hengli Rasbora and bought some nano tropical food from NT-Labs.

There seems to be a couple issues with the food for my situation:

  1. I noticed if the granules sink the fish don't really eat it. I have to make sure it's floating to make sure they eat what I feed them and there isnt excess sitting at the bottom. Just to be clear this is not a product fault, it's labelled as floating and sinking.
  2. Although labelled as nano food the fish seem to struggle eating it, as it is too big for them (they are about 1mm size granules). They end up keeping the food in their mouth for a while, then spitting it out then eating it again. I think it's a combination of the size of granules and the solidness of them for my fish because they don't seem to have any issues with bloodworms that are bigger.

All this to say, I think the solution for day to day food will probably be flake food. Was wondering what everyones go to flake food is? Is there much difference in quality of fish foods between brands?
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  1. struggle eating it They end up keeping the food in their mouth for a while, then spitting it out then eating it again. I think it's a combination of the size of granules and the solidness of them for my fish because they don't seem to have any issues with bloodworms that are bigger.
Sounds like the hardness is the problem here - you could try pre-soaking the granules to make them softer, but that might increase the likelihood to sink which would make your other issue worse... sorry, not much help lol...
Pop some food in a small bag (don't seal it) then wack it a bit with a rolling pin. You should then have finer food. If you are fancy you can use a pestle & mortar.

I use the bug bites, and do the same - pinch it between my fingers, and rub them together just under the water surface. Gives you a fine mix that sinks gradually enough for the fish to grab on the way down. If you don't rub then it sinks fast and is too big for the tiny mouths. Again, you can pre-crush too and does float a bit on the surface before gradually sinking.
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De-Capsulated Artemia / Brine shrimp eggs. TA Aquaculture do them. Cory fry with big orange bellys! And most of my Nano fish love them as well.
And if youve got the time and inclination, hatch your own brine shrimp.
De-Capsulated Artemia / Brine shrimp eggs
I feed the freeze dried version of the above and it improved the colour of my pseudomugils more than any colour enhancing food I've tried.
If you are fancy you can use a pestle & mortar.
For dry foods I do this and because I'm extra fancy I made a sieve to grade it 😂
As for dry foods I just look at the ingredients and if there are any grains or yeast listed within the first few ingredients I don't use it.
Fluval bug bites seem a popular food, though I didn't see much of a response when feeding it. Dr Bassleer gets a lot of hype and my fish do seem to like it, but they don't publish their ingredients, which I don't like. I think GM Aquatics is the only UK stockist.
If you are fancy you can use a pestle & mortar.
I am not fancy. Thus instead I use 2 x dessert spoons, one on top of the other to get any sort of uniformly well crushed food (for fry etc). Obviously crumbling between the fingers does a decent rough job for less demanding needs.
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I spent ages trying to find a food small enough for my Chilli's and Threadfin Rainbows, that also didn't just stay on the surface.

NT Labs Microcrumb is the best I've used. On initial adding to the tank, around a quarter slowly sinks straight away, and the remaining amount slowly sinks over a 15 minute period, which ensures that fish at all levels get a chance to get some. The particles are small enough for the smallest mouths without being powder (,my Chilli's and Threadfins eat it without issues), and the bottles' lid has holes it in like a large salt shaker, making controlled feeding very easy.

I spent ages trying to find a food small enough for my Chilli's and Threadfin Rainbows, that also didn't just stay on the surface.

NT Labs Microcrumb is the best I've used. On initial adding to the tank, around a quarter slowly sinks straight away, and the remaining amount slowly sinks over a 15 minute period, which ensures that fish at all levels get a chance to get some. The particles are small enough for the smallest mouths without being powder (,my Chilli's and Threadfins eat it without issues), and the bottles' lid has holes it in like a large salt shaker, making controlled feeding very easy.

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Will have to give this a try next time. For now I settled on the fluval bug bites.

I can see how people end up 200 different types of fish food now 😆
I can see how people end up 200 different types of fish food now 😆
I have thrown away more than I have fed on this conveyor belt!