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Fish deaths

If your rams are less active than previous to the new fish addition, whitespot is a likely suspect - they are quite susceptible & usual early symptom for them is decreased activity

Yeah i put first dose of esha in last night, i dont believe it works that quick but the ramz were more active within minutes, have to wsit and see tiday when lights come on and im back from work, fingers crossed as they are lovely little rams


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This morning the rams are up and about, just a shrimp dead, could be the meds ofpr sy have been nipped by rams but cheers alto i wouldnt hsve thought of putting esha in, hopefully this is it
Unfortunately not a lot you can do except supportive care

Daily water change - this really does make a difference and is one of the best supports you can offer, 50% if possible, then redose medication
If you can only manage daily 25% water change, try for larger water changes every few days
Continue with increased water changes for a 2 weeks after the last DOA
Don’t add any new fish for at least a month after the last DOA

Medication - this is always the “guess” - without actual diagnostics (often too slow unless you have a veterinarian & equipment onsite) assumptions are always made in terms of the main pathogen AND medication sensitivity/resistance

(a fish necropsy will always find increased levels of multiple pathogens and sometimes it is very difficult to identify which is the causative agent and which are secondary infections)