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Fish deaths

john arnold

28 Jun 2018

Amm 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 20ppm, ph 6.6
Couple of new rainbow fish died 3 days ago, after last nighta weekly 50% water change
3 cardinals dead thst i have had for 2/3weeks, substrate tropica soil, any ideas, im hoping this does not continue but need some pointers if amyone has them in case this continues
Are U CO2 user?
Other tank information (Size,filtration,maintenance schedule, stock levels....)Did U quarantine the new fish before putting it in?
Regards Konsa
Pressurised co2, oase 350t filter on 140l rimless tank, twinstar 600ea, tropica soil, 2 rams 4 ottos, 16 cardinals, 15shrimp, 2 threadthin rainbows
Ferts every day except sat, then 50% water change on sundays, no didnt quarantine fish
CO2 poisoning(overdosing) is always a suspect if U inject.On the other side U may have slipped sth in with the new fish.I recently had a bad ich case due to not quarantining new fish.It took me ages to clear it.
Regards Konsa
CO2 poisoning(overdosing) is always a suspect if U inject.On the other side U may have slipped sth in with the new fish.I recently had a bad ich case due to not quarantining new fish.It took me ages to clear it.
Regards Konsa

The co2 has not changed for 4 weeks and i changed my fertz, i used to have 80 ppm nitrate with new fertz i get 20ppm now, although i remember now that after water change i may have double dosed fertz as forgot if had done it or not, would double dosing fertz be dangerous for fish?
Double dosing ferts is not an issue imo.I used to dose full ei on my low tech tanks with no ill effects on critters.
If your problem was water quality related I believe the shrimp would have senced it first.
Any shrimp deaths?Have U seen them darting arround the tank?
Regards Konsa
Double dosing ferts is not an issue imo.I used to dose full ei on my low tech tanks with no ill effects on critters.
If your problem was water quality related I believe the shrimp would have senced it first.
Any shrimp deaths?Have U seen them darting arround the tank?
Regards Konsa

Nothe shrimp are fine and working timidly away, all other fish active, may have just been some bad fish i guess, and i imagine the ottos would have bitten it if it was the water
Right my lovely looking hang on side rimless thermometer says 25 c but i put my old cheap one in and it said 27 degees, if my nice looking one is a piece of crap then its just over 80f would thst be bad for cardinals.?
How do you know which thermometer is “off”?
(depending on the thermometer you can test with boiling water BUT confirm the temp at which local water will boil - any salts which affect the complex structure that pure water molecules form, can alter boiling temp)
If there’s a nearby aquarium shop, you can likely just walk in with your 2 thermometers & compare to shop displays

At this point I’d treat for external parasites - choose an “ich” treatment as this is likely the most common pathogen
Fish can die without any visible white spots

Daily water change is always a good idea, and something I’d incorporate into any ich tx regime (25-50% depending on ease, I have a Python system so will always choose a 50% daily water change when experiencing mystery fish deaths)

Either temp 25 or 27 is likely fine with your listed fish, most shrimp prefer cooler water but tolerate higher temp - in the case of a parasite which attacks gill tissue (such as ich & columnaris & ... well ... a lot of fish pathogens), cooler water is better for fish as it holds more dissolved oxygen
(I’m obviously not a fan of heat treatment for ich in (planted) aquaria, especially when CO2 is in use - there are also heat resistant ich strains)

I don’t find that Otos are particularly sensitive once settled
Shrimp are good indicators of shrimp toxic elements such as copper etc, possibly ammonia & low oxygen (depending on species)

What species were the newly added rainbows?

Amm 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 20ppm, ph 6.6
Couple of new rainbow fish died 3 days ago, after last nighta weekly 50% water change
3 cardinals dead thst i have had for 2/3weeks, substrate tropica soil, any ideas, im hoping this does not continue but need some pointers if anyone has them in case this continues
Tank size?
current parameters?
Current stock?
Pictures of the fish/Tank?
How did u acclimate them?
how long did u have them before the deaths exactly?
Pressurised co2, oase 350t filter on 140l rimless tank, twinstar 600ea, tropica soil, 2 rams 4 ottos, 16 cardinals, 15shrimp, 2 threadthin rainbows
Ferts every day except sat, then 50% water change on sundays, no didnt quarantine fish

About 2 weeks for some of cardinals longer for the first school, threadfin rainbows about 5 days

Reason insuspect thermometer is wrong is i turned heater up. Couple of times and it did not move so thats why inused the other one...also if i dose with ich treatment will thst kill bacteria on filter


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I rarely buy fish,but the last I diid I had a itch outbreak used eshA little or no effect on plants or filter, need to remove carbon media though. Got small quarantine tank for next time buy fish
If you’re unable to quarantine new fish before adding them to your community tank, always treat with an anti-white spot treatment for 3-5 days
Increase water changes during the first couple weeks beginning with a 50% water change before adding new fish

New fish are severely stressed while bagged so limit that time, float bag only 10 min or so before pouring off fish into net in a bucket & then releasing into a dimly lit tank

If you run CO2 etc, then turn off CO2, increase surface agitation for several minutes, turn off or dim lights ... do this while new fish are still in their carry bag

If shop conditions are very different than your tank conditions, you might set up a drip acclimation but again this tends to be stressful - make sure acclimation container is a suitable size, dimly lit, aerated, off the floor to minimize vibrations etc etc
Ask for additional tank water from shop so you have enough for the acclimation container
Thanks alto thats good info, no more dead fish today just electric blue rams hamging around at the bottom of tank, but after lots of reading rams tend to come from terrible stock abroad with lots of chemicals so if i get some again ill try find a breeder in the uk, im sick of buying crap fish its really not good enough and i think the industry has a lot to answer too
If your rams are less active than previous to the new fish addition, whitespot is a likely suspect - they are quite susceptible & usual early symptom for them is decreased activity