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Fish choice for ferny labyrinth


9 Nov 2022
I have created a ferny labyrinth of wood as a centrepiece in a 70 litre 40 cm cube (photos when it comes on a bit). Any thoughts on what would be my best choice for tiny fish that would spend most of their time investigating rather than shoaling higher in the tank. Hard water, no CO2, 23 degree temp.
Any thoughts on what would be my best choice for tiny fish that would spend most of their time investigating rather than shoaling higher in the tank.

I think scarlet badis would be a perfect choice for you,

They are really nice and curious fish.
Indeed sounds like a Dario species would be your best bet. They (males) can get aggressive and can kill others if they don't have enough space.

To inform you better, some pictures would help, even if plants are still growing.
Thanks for the suggestions. I recently read that one dominant Celestial Pearl Danio male may take lumps (literally) out of the other males. Does anyone have any relevant experience of keeping CPDs? Are there any tiny species that would live happily in London hard water where male agressive behaviour would reliably not be a problem. Tank is 60 ltr and will be heavily planted. I was thinking 8-10 fish.
Thanks for the suggestions. I recently read that one dominant Celestial Pearl Danio male may take lumps (literally) out of the other males. Does anyone have any relevant experience of keeping CPDs? Are there any tiny species that would live happily in London hard water where male agressive behaviour would reliably not be a problem. Tank is 60 ltr and will be heavily planted. I was thinking 8-10 fish.
Dario, celestial pearl danios, puntius gelius, danio tinwini, psuedomugil species.