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Critique my hardscape First timer Mirabello 60

You have very even spacing between your rocks, great if you are laying paving, but you'll find it looks more natural if some rocks touch and others have a big gap. It's quite hard to be deliberately random and not arrange things neatly. You almost want to drop them roughly with your eyes closed and see where they land.

Changing my tack a little working on one area at a time trying to get the perfect view working with what materials you have.

There are several changes here for you to think about and, what not keep trying to do.
Most new Aquascapers always try to keep every thing even to get that picture perfect look, wrong thing nature every thing is not planned for that perfect well balanced look.

I have removed and moved rocks to give you the open space and the natural look.
The white areas are where the stones were.

LH end marked in red requires a rock half its size, reason the perfect curve is there.

My suggestion now is get the front finished first and completely forget about the remainder of the Aquascape then post one front photo of it please.

Finally now you can see the benefit of the Mock Tank, the more time you spend getting it to perfection the far better your Aquascape will be.

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@Keith GH I'll look at your suggestions when I get back from work. Had a moment of 'inspiration' leaving this morning that has resulted in this...


It's very roughly placed and I certainly need to work on the smaller peice of DW and it's placement with rocks.

But what do you think? Worth persevering with or remove it and focus on the suggestions you made?

Rocks I think you know my answer already a massive NO.

All the DW now that is a totally different story, one word describes it FANTASTIC do not change a thing.

Next step see if you can place the rocks (Front only) as if nature did it for you. the rules are very basic and simple.

No straight lines and that includes curves.
Spaces between rocks not even.
Different shapes create character.
Don't be afraid to have rocks touching and resting on the DW or even each other.
The final step will be smashing a few rocks you will never use and scattered them around.
That step I would not even think about until its in the tank.

@Keith GH and everyone else thanks for the advice and comments.

This is the latest mock up and probably may preferred layout.

It may not look like I have listened to your advice but I have tried to work with what I have and believe I've come to a reasonable layout. So here is the latest and hopefully final layout before putting in the tank.

Front view

Plan view of front

Back view

Plan view of back
I have some gravel to graduate transition to the planted carpet so hopefully that will break up some of the suddenness of the rocks and building some slopes with substrate might help.

There is plenty of so space in the middle of scape for taller plants and further planting around the rocks.

It might not be everyone's taste but I quite like it and I'm eager to crack on and see how it looks wet and planted!

Thanks for your comments. I'm sure I'll be back in here in a bit saying you were all right all along!
If that is the filter box type thing:
- If using CO2, does filter have enough low to push water around ? Generally needs a flow rate of x10 tank volume.
- How are you going to ensure flow gets everywhere ? Dead spots leads to plant health issues & eventually algae moving in.
Hi @ian_m it's going to be a low tech setup and is my first planted tank. Going to be a bit of trial and error (hopefully not too much). According to the specs the filter is good for 350 lph. Tank volume is around 80l. Hopefully that is sufficient flow otherwise I'll be upgrading/doing more water changes. Gotta start some where!

I have tried to work with what I have and believe I've come to a reasonable layout.

It takes a few years to build up a very good supply of hard scape. The other main point is only you can see all dimensions whereas all we have is a one dimension photo.

It certainly looks a lot better than your earlier attempts and, that should make you very happy which is the main thing.

Next step is reproducing it in your tank and planting it out it is only then you will see the full results of all your work.

Before you start planting I suggest you make a planting plan so the plant experts can help you.

Keith. :wave::wave:
You might have seen my journal but I've dry fitted the scape into the tank now.
I have to say that transferring was painless and made me really appreciate getting the layout mocked up.

I can highly recommend to anyone that mock ups are the way to go and will hopefully save you from expensive accidents dropping hardscape!