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First Planted Trigon 190 fun n games at day 21

Clean up crew has now increased to 15, the 12 new editions are all a nice size to (lrg).
Had some fun this weekend, Fri I transported my old fish Danios, Angels, Cardinals, Pleco's, Gouramis, Corydoras and of course the compulsory granddaughters fantailed gold fish over to their new living quarters, all went well fish swimming around in the abundance of space. I woke saturday to find the tank looked like a bomb had gone off in there, there were dozens plants floating the soil and sand had been scattered across each other, I know what I'll be doing for the next few hours. I'm Having problems trying to re-organise sand and soil, all plants back in. The same thing happenened again Saturday night / Sunday morning. I believe this was down to my bull in a china shop common pleco (5"), I was aware that this may happen just didn't expect it to be so bad. I gave him the first night as a settling in, the second time is food for thought and unfortunatley for him the cost of the plants warrants a new home for him, after a quick call to LFS he's got a new home. During my LFS visit I spotted some Oto's which I've heard about here while talking to staff he mentions gold sucking loach's, thanks to LFS I come away with 6 loach and 3 oto's.

From this.....

to this....

Some things I could do with some advise on.
Whats the best way to sort soil / sand ?
The flipping gold fish keeps sucking up the sand and spitting it out all over the place is this usual ?
Shrimp were quite happily swimming out and about until I put my old fish in they have now disappeared is that usual I know they are nocturnal and is early days but I liked watching them work.

Oh and some possible useful info the black Angel (above) below center eat all my BBA .
How are you getting on with this, any chance of an update? How did you do the curved spray bar? Looks great
Bit of a thread bump😀😀😀 But Angel Fish in with Gold Fish, one cold water one warm water? I would have binned the gold fish (not literally) a long time ago, no need for it in a tank like this. But with the best of intentions the gravel was never going to stay as clearly defined as you had it in the first photograph, most fish especially corys etc would disturb it at sometime.

Its been a while but I am guessing you have stripped this tank down at least once since last posting and started all over again.

Some new photos would be nice!

How are you getting on with this, any chance of an update? How did you do the curved spray bar? Looks great
Hi, Deansie sorry for the late reply! The spray bar is actually 2 straight bars with a piece of tube between them to allow for the curve. I do think now a year on that having the flow/spray bar this way may have contributed to the soil coming to the front of the tank. I am currently planning a change for early in the new year. I will be changing spray bar (single bar) position to left side backed up with the Koralia pump.
Bit of a thread bump😀😀😀 But Angel Fish in with Gold Fish, one cold water one warm water? I would have binned the goldfish (not literally) a long time ago, no need for it in a tank like this. But with the best of intentions the gravel was never going to stay as clearly defined as you had it in the first photograph, most fish especially corys etc would disturb it at sometime.

Its been a while but I am guessing you have stripped this tank down at least once since last posting and started all over again.

Some new photos would be nice!

Hi, Steve it's been a busy year. Goldfish is now gone corys are currently living in separate accommodation lol. The soil has made its way to the front of the tank now but I think flow direction may have contributed to this. No not stripped it down yet but plan for a strip down in the new year (end Jan get xmas over and done with first).