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First planted tank


16 Oct 2016
IMG_0227.JPG Hi all, this is my first time on a freshwater forum and first stab at a planted tank. I have kept various animals in the past including dogs, snakes, lizards, turtles, tarantulas and tortoises. Some I still have. I have also kept marine fish in the past using, balling lite and triton methods.

But this is the first foray into greenery.

First set up is a 50 litre Dennerle scrapers tank.

Lighting is a dennerle 15w scrapers led.
Filtration fluval 106, eventually will fit glassware but the ones I purchased were to long lol
Rena 50w heater
Substrate is tropica with dennerle crystal quartz cap
Using easy carbo and tropica premium fertiliser

Plants are stauregyne repens, Rotala bonsai, Anubis nana petite, Ludwigia repens (I think), can't remember what the two plants back right were have lost the tags (any help appreciated).

Tank has been running about 2 months. Any advice always appreciated.
Intend to replace the intake pipe with glass intake and need a smaller lily pipe. These were 19mm which was ok for the stock fluval 106 corrugated pipes. The intake was to long for height of the tank though, that'll teach me to measure up first.
How do people get the lily pipe to sit straight, or is it a case of using softer tubing, this ended up angled towards back of tank.
Tank looks super, I like the contrast between the rock & plants ☺ Can't help with your wonky lily pipe. My pipes are a bit wonky because I can't fit suction cups to my spraybar as I've a 3d background fitted - have you tried adding an extra few suction cups to the pipe on the outside of the tank? It may help...
Thanks for the help with plant ID. Lily pipe I'm sure will get sorted at some point, probably when it starts getting to me, which it will. Think going to replace the fluval 106 tubing with eheim 16/22 and fit a shorter 17mm lily pipe and intake.
Means I'll have a longer set of glassware ready for the inevitable larger tank lol.