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First planned planted tank & first Iwagumi (?) attempt

Animal Mother

29 Sep 2009
My first attempt at an Iwagumi (is that right?) nano tank. It's also my first planted tank that has any form of planning apart from "but plants, stick plants into gravel, take out dead plants".

This is on Day 1.


Aquastyle 380
Single 8000k bulb
Aqua Soil Malaya
Coral sand
Pumice stone
Eleocharis parvula
vesicularia dubyana

I'm quite happy with my first attempt.
I like it - can i sugest a piece of redmoor in the right hand corner covered in moss - but stand it upright so it will look like a tree. The rocks look good - my first thoughts were a broken bridge.

Forgot to mention, I need to buy another Eleocharis parvula to fill the upper right area.

I see what you mean by broken bridge, nice idea. It actually looks a little different with real perspective and the rocks look loads better in real life.

I'm going to go with the grass and see how that matures before I consider anything else.
Ok, day 2.

Just added some taller plants, I think they are Eleocharis acicularis, can anyone be more accurate?

Shrimp went in too, not sure on species but not Amano as they have been breeding readily.

looking good, what you going to use for ferts n carbon?

background? what about a graded blue (as saintly has used recently)...or even the oliver knott diffuser film, might look good with the white path? i can't really comment on the tiles as I have bricks behind mine at the mo. 😀


I know, the tiles are grim aren't they.

Will try and find the things you recommended. Do you have any links please?
Thanks dude, I can't wait till it's more mature and looking a lot better. :thumbup:

What idea/plan do you have?

I plan on putting a couple of these in when the tank is more mature. 😀


Soooo cute. 😉
I would go with some tpn+ (Tropica Plant Nutrition + ) the plus means it includes nitrates and phosphates as well as trace elements - includes pretty much everything you'll need the ADA AS gives you a bit of leeway with the dosing. It won't hurt to dose ferts but it might hurt not to.

Hi Animal Mother,

I have a 2ft high tank, so i was going to try and have a valley like yourself, but higher with weeping moss growing down into it, with maybe Vallis Nana around the tops, and crypts around the front. I need to get the funding together first tho, will hopefully be starting it just after Christmas.

Any idea what the fish is called that you have posted a pic of, it's stunning, i'm not to good with my fish 😳
