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First bash at IFC for my 65L low-tech


10 May 2022
Considering DIY ferts at some point, and have had a bash at the quite intuitive IFC to see what a mix might look like. Would welcome advice and views. I'm using TNC Complete, Lite, and Fe at the moment...to mixed effect.

Not quite buying yet (!), but would be grateful for confirmation that <<this>> is a link to the right Monopotassium Phosphate?



I have hard water out of the tap and do approx 50/50 RO and tap. PH about 7.5. Should i add some other Fe (eg the Chempak sequestered iron)?
I also noticed that there doesn't seem to be any HCO3 in my Macros or Co in my Micros.

Many thanks for any input. 🙂
Hi all,
Considering DIY ferts at some point, and have had a bash at the quite intuitive IFC to see what a mix might look like. Would welcome advice and views. I'm using TNC Complete, Lite, and Fe at the moment...to mixed effect.
Rather than going the "whole hog"*, I'd probably start with "Solufeed 2 : 1 : 4" as a base. <"Solufeed 2:1:4 and Solufeed Sodium Free TEC Combination">. If you aren't happy with plant growth you can always try tweaking it afterwards. It is still a <"relatively cheap option">.
any HCO3 in my Macros or Co in my Micros.
I have hard water out of the tap
You can ignore the bicarbonate ion (HCO3-) it is just the pH dependent form of the <"Total (Dissolved) Inorganic Carbon"> (T(D)IC). Your hard water supplies it (and calcium (Ca)). Same for cobalt (Co), the chances of it being deficient are pretty much nil.
would be grateful for confirmation that <<this>> is a link to the right Monopotassium Phosphate?
It is.
Should i add some other Fe (eg the Chempak sequestered iron)?
No, you should be fine.
* for @Hufsa

cheers Darrel
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Aha, 2:4:1 - I recall you mentioned this before.
The recipe below is based on 50-gallon (189.27 liter) aquarium and you can adjust the dosing to your own tank if needed.

500 ml solution, 20 ml per 50 gallon
Add 31.545 Gram Solufeed 2:1:4
Add 5.721 gram
Solufeed Sodium Free TEC

So for my 14gal pH around 7.6, 20ml [weekly], if I wanted to do double the above strength (which is still less than EI) I think I would be looking at:
17.665g 2:4:1 [by: (31.545/50*14)*2]
3.204g TEC.

If I'm making two separate solutions, would I need to add [an amount of] E300 and E202 into each as well?

Of interest to me is that the IFC shows that if I am water changing 18 litres each week with 10l tap and 8l RO, all I'm getting is 4.6ppm NO3 in the tank from the water change. Add the small amount of NO3 from 7ml TNC complete weekly, that's still not much. Ammonia from ten pellets of NT Labs cory pellets daily on top of that.
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So for my 14gal pH around 7.6, 20ml [weekly], if I wanted to do double the above strength (which is still less than EI) I think I would be looking at:
17.665g 2:4:1 [by: (31.545/50*14)*2]
3.204g TEC.

Bear in Mind that the above recipe is not designed for EI Standards. However, it can be dosed like EI style dosing if someone wants to.

if you were to double the numbers:

N 6 (2.8 Urea-N, 3.24 NO3-N) this will add 14.36 ppm NO3, Rest of the N from Urea
P 1.2
K 10.6
Fe 0.67
Mn 0.169
Cu 0.02
B 0.075
Zn 0.114
Mo 0.0128
Mg 0.76

6 N might be way too much and my recommendation is set at 3 N. even under heavy plant mass, you might not need to exceed the 3 ppm N weekly.

N 3 (1.4 Urea-N, 1.62 NO3-N) this will add 7.18 ppm NO3, Rest of the N from Urea
P 0.6
K 5.3
Fe 0.335
Mn 0.08454
Cu 0.01
B 0.0375
Zn 0.057
Mo 0.006438
Mg 0.38

which is still less than EI
Which part is less than EI ?

If I'm making two separate solutions, would I need to add [an amount of] E300 and E202 into each as well?
add 0.25 gram Potassium Sorbate and 5-10 ml White Vinegar to Both Solutions, you can skip on Ascorbic Acid.
Thanks Happi.
Possibly we are at cross-purposes due to my slightly clumsy way of expressing things!
My starting point was adjusting your 50 gal N1 'strength' for my14 gal tank size. That would still be N1 in my tank dosing 20ml per week eg 4 x 5ml doses. My maths makes that N1 amount 31.545/50*14 = 8.83g of 2:4:1 in 500ml solution.
If I wanted to go to N2 'strength' (ie double the N1 strength), I could either a) double the amount of 2:4:1 in the 500ml solution (17.66g) and dose 20ml over 4 x 5ml doses per week, or b) keep the N1 'strength', and dose 40ml per week eg 4 x 10ml doses.
That N2 'strength' is still less than the N3 'strength' in your original post under the 'EI' heading. That's what I meant by 'less than EI'.
Is this sounding right or am I still waay off the mark?

Either way, I was definitely not intending to go to N6 'strength' 😱
Thanks for your patience!