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First Attempt!

aaronnorth said:
it can be quite effective sometimes

maybe, but with foresight, why put it in, in the first place? if you know your going to lose it?

im not hi jacking cichlidgr8. 😀 sorry. this is after planting. ive put stones in therethat just didnt need to be there as the following images will show. in future scapes i'll certainly consider this.

the plant choice will be key in your layout mate. 😉





mark....hijack over! 8)
Cheers for all the feedback guys, it's well appreciated 😀 . I'm currently playing with some more layouts at the moment using some rocks I've yet to try in the tank. I think out of all the layouts so far the one i like most is with the 2 rock groups at either end, the only trouble is that there's not a lot of height with it and my tank is quite tall 🙄 .
Still.... i'll keep at it and see what I can come up with.

Regards Wayne,
the one at the back right? I didn't need that. i could of left the e tennelus to grow there. i know in some situations it helps with layouts but not always.

the little one in front of the 2 big ones is essential for holding back the aquasoil, so its higher between the stones.(stops it spilling out) I've noticed it allot in amano set-ups. he always places a smaller stone in this fashion.and im sure its not just for aesthetics.

to be honest, when you start looking at amano iwagumi layouts. there's an absolute science behind them, and the man does it effortlessly 😀
cichlidsrgr8 said:
the only trouble is that there's not a lot of height with it and my tank is quite tall 🙄 .

have you any AS left? get it all in there. height at the back shallow at the front. my big tank is 70cm tall, so im really going to push the boat out next set-up!

i think zig understands the idea of using different layers in rock formations. ive been reading that the Asian scene seems to believe in layering in iwagumis.plus it gives more depth to the aquarium.

or if you cant make up the height in hard scape, look at the planting side. vivipara, c heferi v nana.all tall plants.

saintly said:
cichlidsrgr8 said:
the only trouble is that there's not a lot of height with it and my tank is quite tall 🙄 .

have you any AS left? get it all in there. height at the back shallow at the front. my big tank is 70cm tall, so im really going to push the boat out next set-up!

i think zig understands the idea of using different layers in rock formations. ive been reading that the Asian scene seems to believe in layering in iwagumis.plus it gives more depth to the aquarium.

or if you cant make up the height in hard scape, look at the planting side. vivipara, c heferi v nana.all tall plants.


I've got all of the AS in there, it's almost 8" at the back and about 2" at the front. I was thinking about using vivipara in the background for some extra height 😀 .

Like the new signature by the way Mark, very cool 8)
cichlidsrgr8 said:
've got all of the AS in there, it's almost 8" at the back and about 2" at the front.

same as my big tank.

well i know of a couple of aquas capers in Malaysia that bulk out with sponge, rocks etc.. worth thinking about.
keep up the hard work, you'll get there in the end. remember you'll never get 100% this time, but it'll improve your skills for the next time. that's what i tell myself anyway :lol:

cichlidsrgr8 said:
Like the new signature by the way Mark, very cool

thanks 😀 i get bored easy, and need to occupy my mind.

I have'nt had much time for anything planty for a while until today, so I decided to make the most of it and had a big change around tank-wise and hardscape-wise. And if I must be honest, I'm quite pleased with what I've come up with.
Everything is pretty much sorted equipment wise now so hopefully I can finally get some plants in soon.





Cheers and beers 😀
Well I got the beers... reckon you got the good scape too 😀

Really liking the slope, but those two lil rocks bottom right, they seem to stop your eye as you gaze from the bottom of the hill upwards... think they stop the transition.

But love where this is going, actually don't think Ive seen an Iwagumi in this layout yet.
Cheers Jay, I think you might be right about those small rocks. I've spent ages just staring at it today and there's definitely something on that side that don't sit right with me. I might try setting them at different angles and see how it looks.
cichlidsrgr8 said:
I've spent ages just staring at it today

thats where i go stone crazy :shock: ive done the same thing. looking over and over, then you look that much you just don't see any more. if that makes sense.

Once again I've changed the tank layout AGAIN.....but this time I've used a different type of stone, inspired by Planter's new iwagumi project, I managed to pick up some Dragon stone from my lfs. Here's how it looks now 🙂




I've tried not to copy Planter's layout but it does look somewhat similar(Sorry m8 🙄 )

Regards Wayne,
Could be me, but I prefer a more natural setup like in the image below:

As you can see all the larger rock structures are not perfectly aligned , but they seem to want to "go" in the same direction. And ditch all the small stones. They'll get lost in the vegetation within weeks of planting anyway...
I know Amano advocates taking the biggest, bestest, beautifulest <add more here> stone and just play around with that until you have a line, dynamic, whatever, you like and then take the second largest and place it opposite. Depending on the effect you're after it can lean in the same direction, giving the feeling of flow, or in the opposite direction giving a lot more "tension" to the scape.
Right now I feel the rocks all want to break free and start their own little anarchic society, each with their own selection of plants and fish 🙂

Good luck. Looking forward to see this evolve
Not a lot to update really other than I've ordered some plants and my Trace ferts so should be started up some time this week *fingers crossed*. Oh, I've just broke my flippin diffuser as well :lol: so that's 28 quid straight in the bin :evil: lucky I've got spares of everything. So hopefully soon there might be some pics with plants in 'em :lol:
Right folks, time for a proper update for once :lol: . Plants arrived this morning from TGM(Thanks again guys), 2 pots of glosso and 2 pots of E tenellus and I was pretty amazed at how far you can stretch 2 pots out, I still need more but i'll add as and when funds allow 😀 .






It's still a bit cloudy as i've only just filled with water but that's to be expected innit. So feel free to comment guys and girls as long as there nice comments or i'll send the boys round :lol: :lol: .

Regards Wayne,
aaronnorth said:
nice positioning on the rocks, i think the stone on the far right could do with pointing left.

Cheers matey, I know what your saying re the far right rock, to be honest i wasn't too sure about leaving that rock in at all because of how much lighter in colour it is but HEY it's not like I'm gonna be a world beater with my first scape so 'sod it' :lol: :lol:

On a negative note, I've only gone and busted my diffuser AGAIN :evil: 🙄 . I swear I'm cursed or something ...........
..................................DAMN YOU AQUASCAPING GODS, DAMN YOU TO HELL..............................................

Regards Wayne,