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First Attempt!

LondonDragon said:
Keep trying it out until you get something that tells you "wow thats what I really wanted" and then you can start with the rest, give it time and it will come to you 😉

I'm quite surprised that i've got so much patience with it actually coz I'm normally a very,very impatient person with most things 🙄
I'm really pleased with the left hand side, I just need to create something equally pleasing on the right( easier said than done) :lol: :lol:
cichlidsrgr8 said:
I'm quite surprised that i've got so much patience with it actually coz I'm normally a very,very impatient person with most things 🙄
I'm really pleased with the left hand side, I just need to create something equally pleasing on the right( easier said than done) :lol: :lol:
I didn't plan to rescape my tank the other day, I was just going to replant the glosso, but then started pulling this out and that out, by the time I was done the only things left in there was the crypt and the moss wall LOL
And the rescape just happened I didn't even plan it, I started planting everything and then realised "oh crap, I forgot to had the rocks and the wood" LOLOL so added that afterwards when it should have been the other way round, worked well anyway lol
cichlidsrgr8 said:
I've decided to try a different layout on the right hand side but now I'm unsure if it looks too similar to the left hand side, I do like it though 😀
Please let me know what ya'll think about it 😀

Hello!! Just looked trough this thread and just want to say this scape to me, has the potential to be amazing. Especially the rocks on the right, very low and rounded. HC and hairgrasses with those rocks could make an Iwagumi thats different to the usual. Got a picture in my head of the moors.
Thanks for that Jay,

I got my last bag of AS this morning so I thought I'd try another layout, It's totally different to all the others I've played around with so I'm not too sure about it and I'd really value some outside opinions on it.






Thanks for looking 😀
I like your last layout, although I'm not sure that it doesn't look a bit too uniform or symmetrical because of the similar (nut opposite) angles the top right and top left rocks are sat at. It sort of gives uniform parabolic shape.

When reading this, bear in mind my sig though 😉

PS - are you going to get a background as the stuff behind the tank is very imposing :?
Yeah I've got a background sorted, I just need to paint it 🙄 not sure whether to go with white or black though :?
Well I've decided that due to the overwhelming lack of responses to my last post that either A: I smell bad 🙁 or B: The layout I posted was so KAK that no-one was even remotely interested :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway, today's a new day and ....Yep you guessed it, I've tried yet another layout 🙄 :lol: 😉
Let me know what you think 😉



Left side


Right side
oh mate, sorry to overlook this journal.

ok, the pics from the entry dated aug 3rd is the layout that does it for me


all though this has potential and is different to other iwagumis that are out there. ive seen a similar layout by amano


the latest layouts are ok, but they seem to lack flow?...there good ,but not as good as the others. IMO 😉
you have one main stone, and only one supporting stone on the left, it may need another suporting stone. allways look at the odd number of stone configurations.especially the ones that are seen.

hc, e tennelus in the mid ground(youve got the height) vivipara in the back? maybe?....

all in all youve come so far from the first layouts.your obviously studying this layout, which is great to see.

Cheers Saintly,
I'm really motivated to get it right first time round and that's why I'm taking so long on it. I'm not expecting to win any awards or anything :lol: but I definitely want to make it the best that I possibly can. And with all the tips and great advice that I'm getting from the guys on here such as yourself I can only see that I'm gonna keep getting closer to a really nice tank at the end of it.
Thanks again 😀
Iwagumi means 'rock formation' so in reality any layout where the rocks are a focal point could be called an Iwagumi scape. As Mark has pointed out though, for it to be done with the right zen certain rules apply. Flow, number of rocks, size of rocks, placement, etc.

Mr Amano's famed Iwagumi fron Nature Aquarium Gallery 01 (2006) is a great inspiration (I think I'm right to say it was Mark's inspiration), and a great place to start...


Download the step by step guide to this tank on the above link 🙂

Here's another from the 2008 Catalogue which gives a bit more detail about placement: http://www.adaaust.com.au/support/iwagumi2007.htm

Don't forget to check the gallery out at that site too 🙂
JAmesM said:
Mr Amano's famed Iwagumi fron Nature Aquarium Gallery 01 (2006) is a great inspiration (I think I'm right to say it was Mark's inspiration), and a great place to start...

yep, thats the one. (second link) brilliant layout. i'd love to see that 180cm in the flesh. i strugled fitting it in a 60! :lol:

actualy get the 08 cat cichlidsgr8. its good for the gumi's 😀 also aqua journals vol.34 and116

at the end of the day beauty is seen through the eye of the beholder and seeing as your the person going to view it.. i think you should create it to your own personal taste...and no one here can tell you what you like and dislike ..lol... i think your waiting for you to make a layout that you simply fall in love with and that might not simply happen .. i personally like the first photo sainty posted above..but "maybe" with the small rocks in the middle of the tank removed and more depth using aquasoil on each side to create that bow/hill look that is sometimes used... but crack on mate.. its good to see you really care about your layout..and seeing that much determination from you to get right.. makes me think that you will knock out a fantastic aquascape..goodluck
from my experience , (2 gumis that ive done) they never look how you anticipated it to look in the first place. your planting WILL change the look completely!

passerby* said:
at the end of the day beauty is seen through the eye of the beholder and seeing as your the person going to view it.

sooo true, but i think the previous post were just for guidence purposes only 😉

JAmesM said:
Iwagumi means 'rock formation' so in reality any layout where the rocks are a focal point could be called an Iwagumi scape. As Mark has pointed out though, for it to be done with the right zen certain rules apply. Flow, number of rocks, size of rocks, placement, etc.

Mr Amano's famed Iwagumi fron Nature Aquarium Gallery 01 (2006) is a great inspiration (I think I'm right to say it was Mark's inspiration), and a great place to start...


Download the step by step guide to this tank on the above link 🙂

Here's another from the 2008 Catalogue which gives a bit more detail about placement: http://www.adaaust.com.au/support/iwagumi2007.htm

Don't forget to check the gallery out at that site too 🙂

Thanks for those JAmesM, Superb layouts especially the second one. Those are the kind of layouts I really like and would love to implement them in my tank but with my own twist to them 😀

passerby* said:
at the end of the day beauty is seen through the eye of the beholder and seeing as your the person going to view it.. i think you should create it to your own personal taste...and no one here can tell you what you like and dislike ..lol... i think your waiting for you to make a layout that you simply fall in love with and that might not simply happen .. i personally like the first photo sainty posted above..but "maybe" with the small rocks in the middle of the tank removed and more depth using aquasoil on each side to create that bow/hill look that is sometimes used... but crack on mate.. its good to see you really care about your layout..and seeing that much determination from you to get right.. makes me think that you will knock out a fantastic aquascape..goodluck

Ultimately your right mate, I'm the one that has to live with it but if I'm able to create something that other members appreciate then it would give me that extra bit of confidence to 'KICK ON' with the tank and produce a scape to the best of my abilities. 😀

Thanks again everyone 😀 😀
After reading the links that JAmesM kindly posted for me I decided to try and copy one of Amano's layouts with the rocks that I've got. Obviously it's not a carbon copy but I think it's pretty close.


although i think it i ok to copy an experienced aquascaper like amano when you are starting out, if you are playing around with them then i think it is better to use one you have produced seen as you have got a good layout, you will then be able to produce your own style next time a lot easier.

with this last layout, i think that the stone circled is too large and it sticks out to much, if you can sink it furthere into the substarte then it will be better IMO

PM said:
though it could all get covered in plants too much, depending on what you use

even with the lowest growing plant like hc, you'll lose the smaller stones in the middle, unless you really keep on top of your trimming.

it's certainly my favourite arrangement. are there gaps between the left hand group of stones?
