Basically I am struggling to get HC and some other carpeting plants to establish in my tank. As well as seeking advice here I would be very interested in meeting an expert in my area to discuss. I will set out my tank parameters first, then explain a little about my tank and the problems I've been facing. Photos and video below.
tank: 40cm cube (60 litre)
substrate: tesco cat litter (clay) mixed with a bit of sand
filter: Fluval 204 with spray bar (rated 680lph)
powerheads: 2 x 300lph
Co2: DIY with glass diffuser below one of the powerheads which outputs through spray bar
Drop checker: glass, 4dkh solution, yellow/green
Lights: DIY high power LED's 8 x 3w. 6hr photo period
Ferts: Tropica Specialist 5ml per day
Water change 50% once a week
This tank was setup over a year ago with a single powerhead at 300lph to circulate the Co2 in addition to the Fluval 204 rated at 680lph and 5 x 3w high power LED's. I was dosing 25ml Tropica TPN+ once a week. I grew a carpet of HC emersed before flooding the tank. I also planted some Marsilea Hirsuta and Eleocharis Parvula among other plants. Once flooded things went relatively well. The Marsilea grew quickly as did the Eleocharis. I found the HC could be maintained but really didn't grow much. The HC began loosing weight before I cleaned out the filter. I found the flow was being restricted and once I had cleaned it out the HC recovered but still never looked as plump and green as it does when it is delivered. The Eleocharis grew well and spread all over the tank. The Marsilea also grew all over the tank but remained tall with 4 lobed leaves.
My wife had to go into hospital at this point and I knew I would have to neglect the tank. My main concern was avoiding an algal bloom so I decided to switch off the lights and leave it. 3 weeks later I returned to find that I had successfully avoided any algae but that most of the plants had perished aside from the Marsilea. I decided to nurse the tank back to health. I left the Marsilea to grow on its own and cleaned everything else with lots of water changes and plenty of Co2 for many weeks until I was satisfied that the tank was stable. I then took the decision to step things up a try to grow some more HC and perhaps improve on my last attempt.
I made the following improvements. I added a second 300lph powerhead to ensure total distribution. This added to the existing powerhead and filter gives me a claimed 1280lph in a 60 litre tank. Should be plenty. I added 3 additional 3w high power LED's to my light fixture taking me up to 24w. I switched my fert dosing from 25ml per week to 5ml per day (35ml per week total).
The immediate results of this update could be seen in the Marsilea. Before now the Marsilea was growing on average a height of 4-8 inches with large 4 lobed leaves. It was also growing up into the water instead of hugging the substrate. After the changes the new growth from the Marislea was 1-2" high mostly with a small single lobed leaf and the runners would press firmly against the substrate forcing their roots down deep (can be seen through the glass around the edges) Great I thought. A positive improvement. I have been very strict with my maintenance since the change to avoid any algae and so far so good. I have been cleaning the tank, remove and dead leaves etc and changing 50% of the water twice a week to begin with and now once a week.
I planted some very healthy looking HC, 1 pot of Utricularia, Glosso and Staurogene. It has been about 3 weeks since the HC has gone in and it has almost all disappeared. The Utricularia has also almost completely disappeared. The Glosso has only been in for one week so can't yet judge that. My drop checker is using 4dkh and is positioned 1" off of the substrate and is yellow/green. I have ample flow with loads of tiny bubbles flowing across the substrate. The circulation of water begins at the top rear with all outlets aimed at the front glass.
Flow: I think I can safely rule out flow, circulation and Co2. Or can I? I cannot see any way on improving this.
Ferts: Plants do not seem to be in need of ferts. All healthy and green. Am I limited by using an all-in-one fertilizer? Surely HC can be grown with an all-in-one? Or can it? Should I switch EI?
Light: Should the changes in the Marsilea be attributed to the additional lighting? Can insufficient light be my problem with the carpet plants? Using LED's is a bit of an unknown. Is there anyone local who might want to come help me measure the PAR at substrate? Should I try adding a few more LED's and see if my HC kicks into life?
Thank you for all and any advice. Daniel
Photos are not brilliant but intended to show flow. Watch video in 720p.

Basically I am struggling to get HC and some other carpeting plants to establish in my tank. As well as seeking advice here I would be very interested in meeting an expert in my area to discuss. I will set out my tank parameters first, then explain a little about my tank and the problems I've been facing. Photos and video below.
tank: 40cm cube (60 litre)
substrate: tesco cat litter (clay) mixed with a bit of sand
filter: Fluval 204 with spray bar (rated 680lph)
powerheads: 2 x 300lph
Co2: DIY with glass diffuser below one of the powerheads which outputs through spray bar
Drop checker: glass, 4dkh solution, yellow/green
Lights: DIY high power LED's 8 x 3w. 6hr photo period
Ferts: Tropica Specialist 5ml per day
Water change 50% once a week
This tank was setup over a year ago with a single powerhead at 300lph to circulate the Co2 in addition to the Fluval 204 rated at 680lph and 5 x 3w high power LED's. I was dosing 25ml Tropica TPN+ once a week. I grew a carpet of HC emersed before flooding the tank. I also planted some Marsilea Hirsuta and Eleocharis Parvula among other plants. Once flooded things went relatively well. The Marsilea grew quickly as did the Eleocharis. I found the HC could be maintained but really didn't grow much. The HC began loosing weight before I cleaned out the filter. I found the flow was being restricted and once I had cleaned it out the HC recovered but still never looked as plump and green as it does when it is delivered. The Eleocharis grew well and spread all over the tank. The Marsilea also grew all over the tank but remained tall with 4 lobed leaves.
My wife had to go into hospital at this point and I knew I would have to neglect the tank. My main concern was avoiding an algal bloom so I decided to switch off the lights and leave it. 3 weeks later I returned to find that I had successfully avoided any algae but that most of the plants had perished aside from the Marsilea. I decided to nurse the tank back to health. I left the Marsilea to grow on its own and cleaned everything else with lots of water changes and plenty of Co2 for many weeks until I was satisfied that the tank was stable. I then took the decision to step things up a try to grow some more HC and perhaps improve on my last attempt.
I made the following improvements. I added a second 300lph powerhead to ensure total distribution. This added to the existing powerhead and filter gives me a claimed 1280lph in a 60 litre tank. Should be plenty. I added 3 additional 3w high power LED's to my light fixture taking me up to 24w. I switched my fert dosing from 25ml per week to 5ml per day (35ml per week total).
The immediate results of this update could be seen in the Marsilea. Before now the Marsilea was growing on average a height of 4-8 inches with large 4 lobed leaves. It was also growing up into the water instead of hugging the substrate. After the changes the new growth from the Marislea was 1-2" high mostly with a small single lobed leaf and the runners would press firmly against the substrate forcing their roots down deep (can be seen through the glass around the edges) Great I thought. A positive improvement. I have been very strict with my maintenance since the change to avoid any algae and so far so good. I have been cleaning the tank, remove and dead leaves etc and changing 50% of the water twice a week to begin with and now once a week.
I planted some very healthy looking HC, 1 pot of Utricularia, Glosso and Staurogene. It has been about 3 weeks since the HC has gone in and it has almost all disappeared. The Utricularia has also almost completely disappeared. The Glosso has only been in for one week so can't yet judge that. My drop checker is using 4dkh and is positioned 1" off of the substrate and is yellow/green. I have ample flow with loads of tiny bubbles flowing across the substrate. The circulation of water begins at the top rear with all outlets aimed at the front glass.
Flow: I think I can safely rule out flow, circulation and Co2. Or can I? I cannot see any way on improving this.
Ferts: Plants do not seem to be in need of ferts. All healthy and green. Am I limited by using an all-in-one fertilizer? Surely HC can be grown with an all-in-one? Or can it? Should I switch EI?
Light: Should the changes in the Marsilea be attributed to the additional lighting? Can insufficient light be my problem with the carpet plants? Using LED's is a bit of an unknown. Is there anyone local who might want to come help me measure the PAR at substrate? Should I try adding a few more LED's and see if my HC kicks into life?
Thank you for all and any advice. Daniel
Photos are not brilliant but intended to show flow. Watch video in 720p.