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Filter Recommendations, Please.

stuworrall said:
dave, have you tried going back to tetratec yet as they were really good with me when I had a leak on the filter i bought from george.

I`ll be getting in touch tomorrow, Stu.

I have just done a 72 hour week, and every night I was coming home to a different leak. The hobby was giving me more stress than work, and I nearly jacked it all in. You was very close to getting an ADA quality 60cm opti white.

Well I fired up the new AquaOne 1500 and I am very happy. Turn over matches the Tetratec EX1200, but it is noticeably quiteter, which is a major plus. Nice one George!

All I need to do now is let the mosses, Crypts, E. parvula and needle leaf Jave fern take a hold (all propogated) and I will have two scapes on the go for the first time in a long time. Having said that, the 60cm was just a hastily set up house moving tank. All the wood has shifted a fair bit, but I reckon there is a scape in there somewhere. The L. brasiliensis looks good, even if it is a bit of a crud catcher.

I plan on using Glosso for the first time, but that will probably need planting much later. I have a few scraggy left overs TGM gave me, which is being left to recover in its pots.

After feeling like jacking it in, it is nice to be scaping again. Thanks for the help, people.

No pics of the scape yet, Stu, as it looks a bit scabby at the moment. Plant mass is virtually non existent, and lost amongst the Manzanita wood. I can`t remember the last time I photographed one of my tanks...probably because I am crap at it. :lol:

I know where you're coming from Dave! I'm 'scaping again after a long bout of neglect/house moving. Planning on ripping appart something I started last week and doing it better (opti-white nano). Just need to dig stones out of the garage 🙂
I just can`t believe how little time I have had for aquascaping over the last year and a bit. My only efforts have been:

The 60cm scape that died overnight due to some unknown substance poisoning the water.

A makeshift, house moving tank (in the 60cm) which I didn`t really have enough Amazonia for, and the hardscape rearranged itself during the move.

Finding my 240l doesn`t go in the new house, so it is retired in the garage.

Getting through one AquaEl 250, two Tetratec EX1200 filters, and one CO2 regulator in a week trying to set up a scabbt Juwel Lido (Can`t believe I used to like Juwel :lol: ).

I had some big plans for the 240l, which may have even seen me entering the IAPLC, but c`est la vie. I had the idea of using a stone tumbler to make various grades of gravel and sand, all from the same rock.

Still, I have got emersed fairly well sussed (barring stems), and I am pretty mad for some aquascaping after not getting any 😀 . The Juwel is going, to be replaced by an opti white from AE after the current, new scape. Every cloud etc......

Thanks for listening to the rant.
