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Filter or not

Not sure if this thread is the right place to discuss this but I’m having an issue with getting the right flow/circulation in my tank. It’s 60cm long, 30d and 33h. The filter is 400l/ph and is situated front right as you look at the tank. Plants at the far left have nice gentle movement, with some in the middle also having similar movement. Plants under the filter and those in the back right have no movement.

The filter nozzle is pointed slightly upwards and directly to the front left corner with the surface having a nice ripple but is not excessive.

When I watch the flow pattern, it does seem circular (when I trim a plant, the floating debris does do a complete loop!).

I’ve tried all sorts to try and get some better movement/flow to the right side but nothing seems to work. If I change the filter nozzle position, it takes away flow from other plants and/or makes them bend right over. I’ve added a smaller pump to the left hand side pointing towards to problem area but that just causes increased turbulence in the middle of the tank (plus I’ve read you should aim to have pumps/filters all working in the same direction). I’ve tried adding an air stone to the problem corner but this causes bubbles to ‘splash’ out over the edge onto the table/floor.

If I add a more powerful filter, the plants on the left receive too much flow and get bent over.

Would anyone have an idea on how to ensure plants on the right receive better flow and therefore a bit of movement?

Many thanks.
Plants at the far left have nice gentle movement, with some in the middle also having similar movement. Plants under the filter and those in the back right have no movement.
Just because the plants have no movement in that part of the tank it does not mean there is no flow, just that the flow is slower in that area, and the turbulence is less, which is not necessarily a bad thing. The filter will constantly be sucking in water from this end of the tank which will create a slow flow of water from the hemisphere surrounding the filter intake.
When I watch the flow pattern, it does seem circular (when I trim a plant, the floating debris does do a complete loop!).
That is a good sign. The fact that the flow pattern is circular is showing that there is decent circulation going around the whole tank, and assuming your filter shifts water from the lower part of the tank to the surface layer (as most do) then their is adequate vertical water redistribution also. I honestly believe you are overthinking this and worrying about a sitiuation that you do not need to be concerned about. On paper your filter has plenty of circulation for the size of tank and there is no reason to believe it would not be up to the job in terms of water movement. In a rectangular tank you are always going to get some areas with more flow than others, with some of the corners being inevitable low flow areas. Even in super high tech aquascaper tanks with very high water turnover there will be areas where the flow is not enough to visibly move plants.
That’s great, many thanks - yes, I probably am overthinking everything. I’m the kind of person who wants to do everything right so when I see something that may need addressing, I get a little het up.

The corner in question is very still on the surface and the circular flow I mention kind of bypass the corner so I didn’t want it to become stagnant and cause an issue.

I thought about adding a skimmer in the corner as that may help with clearing the surface (tank is open top) of any bits but again, I’m probably stressing over nothing!
Yes, don't stress! I am sure, despite the apparent bypass, that there will be many minor eddies in that corner of the tank that are slowly redistributing the water around the area. It will be slow moving for sure, but far from stagnant.
Thanks. I’m thinking of adding an update to my journal as I’ve made a few amendments since I first posted on there.
Not sure if this thread is the right place to discuss this but I’m having an issue with getting the right flow/circulation in my tank. It’s 60cm long, 30d and 33h. The filter is 400l/ph and is situated front right as you look at the tank. Plants at the far left have nice gentle movement, with some in the middle also having similar movement. Plants under the filter and those in the back right have no movement.
The clue is in the name... the 'filter' is designed to filter, not push water around the tank. You can add a small powerhead to get the flow where you want in the manner you'd like it to be.