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Festival of Fishkeeping October 2009

LondonDragon said:
I will have to make it this year, if you guys think you will need help with setting up and all I can make travel arrangements to stay there a couple of days, if not they I will most likely come down on a day trip.

The B&B that Clark, myself and John stayed in last year was ace! Can't remember the name but John sounds like he's going to book it soon. I'm hoping to make it this year too, though I'll of just come back from the states, and will probably have no money! 🙄
where about on the island is it ? id like to go. :thumbup:
sweet il be there only live just 20 mins away, il see if i can get saturday off if not sunday! :thumbup:
see ya there :wave:
Sorry about the members that can't make it. 🙁 But I'm look forward to seeing those that can! 😀

My car is packed to the brim and I'm ready to set off soon to Dan's where we load up the the big van...

We'll try to keep you updated throughout the weekend. I'm really excited and we've got some really cool plans for the weekend including plenty of visitor interaction.

If you can make it, please do. It's always great to meet up with fellow members and put faces to names, and meet up with old friends too, of course.
Just realised now that the FOF is this weekend, gutted!! Shouldn't have been away for so long! In my mind it was in two weeks time 🙁 hope you guys have great fun!!