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Ferts Mixture/Dosing Help


24 Mar 2013
North East
What i would like to know is am i on the right track with EI with my mixtures and my dosing.
I've been using these mixtures for a couple of weeks now and even though the plants look ok i'm not getting any pearling.

Tank : 125l - 2 wpg(but have reflectors on both tubes).
Filtration : Tetratec ex1200
C02 : Fe setup (drop checker bordering on yellow)
Plants : Well stocked
Ferts : Macro(500ml mixture) dosing 25ml mon/wed/fri
Micro(500ml mixture) dosing 25ml tue/thu

My Macro Mixture

500ml water(dosing bottle)
6tsp Potassium Nitrate
2tsp Potassium Phosphate
6tsp Magnesium Sulphate

My Micro Solution

500ml Water(dosing bottle)
2tsp Chelated Trace

The point of EI is to get your plants to look OK. The objective has never been to induce pearling. If you are not having any problems then you are advised to forget about pearling, because there are plenty of tanks with massive amounts of problems and yet the tank pearls.

Cheers ceg, only reason i asked about pearling was i've read alot of threads and pearling keeps getting mentioned but you say it's not important if plants look ok. Well that's good enough for me.
One question though do my mixtures look like good starting points to work from?.

Hi mate,
Yes, it looks good to me. Could even do with an extra teaspoon of the phosphate if you wanted to. I'm a bit heavy handed with PO4 because it has amazing effects.

Cheers ceg, much appreciated.
I'll try an extra teaspoon of phosphate in my next mixture.

The mix I use also suggests 8tsp potassium nitrate so you could up that a little too....but then again if your seeing no deficiencies then maybe just save the pennies 🙂