New version out V1.5 -download links updated
Made many changes to make it more mobile friendly so not as much on one worksheet, with links that open other worksheets, if you do the 'Tank Wizard' and Water Report Wizard first all features will unlock on 'DIY Fert' spreadsheet, the end user can do as much or little of the 'Tank and Water Report' as they wish to gain the result they are after.
Trying to code it so a 'macro enabled worksheet' hopefully wont be needed, having multiple worksheets will make it easier as once one is done with all salts dead easy to clone it then cut out salts most folk done use so less on 'say' the 'APFUK Basic Salts' worksheet
Also prep for the 'Headshot ppm/regime' and 'All in One Master' splitting the worksheets up 'should' make further development easier.
Saying the 'Tank Wizard' was a coding challenge would be an understatement - but its pretty much there ! Does the RO/Tap water mixes and adds in the minerals from the Tap water gives the GH from the mix etc
Once I'm happy with the four active worksheets for Beta release, there may be a few the next should be easier as I will be able to clone say the 'DIY Macro and Micro Fert Mix' worksheet for the 'Headshot ppm/regime' one and much of the links to the other worksheets will be already done alone with quick links added.
There the odd '#DIV/O!' cell here and there, which will auto correct when certain values are entered - just needs a little code tuning here and there to handle '0' inputs. Also a few 'reference cells' here and there which I have yet to take out/hide as I'm still using them
I could rattle on about the changes but I wont
Any/All feedback (errors found) welcome, if/when you have time