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Female Guppys Dying

hjdowning said:
PeteA said:
So your tank is partially cycled. You shouldn't find your ammonia increases from now on, but your Nitrite may do - if it goes above 1~2ppm do a water change as before. Your Nitrate will likely continue to increase unless you have quite a high number of plants (plants need it so you don't need to worry until it gets above 50ppm). Other than that it won't be long until you get into a routine of changing water every week.

Oh and you've discovered one important fact about test kits - they're a complete sod to get an "accurate" reading on so generally are only used if there is a problem 😉

Nitrite seems to be levelling out now, and I'v had no more deaths.
I bought some plants from my local shop, but they seem to have bought many snail friends with them, my friend said he would give me an assassin snail, so hopefully that will sort them out. Apart from that everything seems be be looking good. Just need to get decorating.

Ouch! I've heard that an assassin snail will sort that problem out. Were the plants in a tank when you bought them? Most of the one's I've seen round me are in a separate glass cabinet.