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Feasibility query

Hey @Mark.A I'm afraid that Flamingo won't do good in low light tank, it has almost no chlorophyll in the leaves and because of that it needs a light of higher intensity to produce enough energy from photosynthesis.
Thanks, good to know. Never tried it before. There's plenty more to choose from though! 😉
Looks like you've given the scape a lot of thought. And it looks great to me and part of the fun is in the gardening aspect of it all, so just go ahead and have fun.
Just one comment, I'd put the Anubias in shaded areas, even low-energy with low light they are still susceptible to GSA.
Oh, and also start a journal, it'd be great to follow your planted tank journey especially as it's going to be a longterm scape.
It's also a great way to get very specific help and advice when, and if, you need it.
Thanks Tim. Yeah, with regards the Anubias, I will be. I've had a lot of Anubias before and it will be low down/shaded. They will be mostly around the outer edges of the scape and across the bottom.
If any-one tells you different you can tell them that those nitrogen and oxygen ions have been on this planet for the last 4,500,000,000 years, and they don't have long enough memories to remember all the compounds they've been in.
LOL Darrell. You are one of a kind.