I have no idea, i just was curious if the number is known.. Me too i wont be surpriced if the number is far more.. In his later years with a whole team behind him he probably could do simultaniously creat a number of tanks per week. I also have no idea how professionals go around if they start in the morning with a 9 to 5 schedule and be done with it, scaped flooded and planted in a day? I can't because it would just look awful.. 🙂 When i see making of videos it all looks rather fast.. Amazing.
I also wonder what would a professional scape cost?? If you calculate per hour minus hardware. What would an artist like mister Amano have charged for a project?? I guess his company still excists and works on in his honnor.. Are there any target numbers known??
I also wonder what would a professional scape cost?? If you calculate per hour minus hardware. What would an artist like mister Amano have charged for a project?? I guess his company still excists and works on in his honnor.. Are there any target numbers known??