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Fast Flowing Planted Aquaria


18 Aug 2011
I was in the process of designing a five and a half foot fish only marine reef aquarium. I wanted a fast flowing reef crest style through a 15inch square width/height. However some things have maybe changed my thought process a little towards a freshwater setup.

So I am wondering if many people have tried a very fast flowing "stream" style plated aquarium, or whether the rate of flow really limits the use of plants in such an environment. My intended pump can push anything up to 22,000 lph through that 15" square cross section.

I'd also appreciate any comments about suitable fish for such a setup.

I've been googling away but have failed to find similar setups so I'm hoping I can be pointed in the right direction and also that it's not towards the mad house 😉
Thanks Darrel. That's kinda cool news because I have seen those fish in the LFS and I absolutely loved them. They were far too large even at 3" for my FW nano so I never considered looking into their requirements. Too cool.
I love my HS loaches but they are not kept in heavily planted tank as the plants tend to get battered and the water is pretty cold. I keep them in a 180lt with external 2000lph, 2 x 1600 power heads and a 750 lph internal filter the flow is all over the place to replicate river movement so co2 distribution would be tricky. by6udu2a.jpg they are hard to photograph 🙁

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Cheers for the replies everyone some really interesting feedback. It's great to see some images of where these loaches are captured as well. It really helps to give an idea of what kind of system they will thrive in.

Well, I have decided to crack on with this tank. I will be putting some thought into the design over the next couple of weeks and I will start a new thread for the build. One thing I really hate is seeing any kind of equipment inside a display, so this will be a big challenge considering the amount of pumps required to move the water.
i was thinking are hill stream loaches are not really classed
as tropical fish only my opinion
I have a design for a hillstream tank which I'd like to try out. it's a variation of the river manifold design that's worked so well for people. My design would have raised floor siliconed in, of maybe an 3 or 4cm high. At one end the floor wood be egg crate/perforated some how and the other would have a couple of powerheads plumbed in. in between would be a load of sintered glass or other such bio filter media.

The design would be difficult to clean the filter media, but in theory with a small population of loaches it wouldn't be too much of an issue. I'd probably try and figure out some way of doing mechanical filtration too.
i would like to see some photos of your river manifold i am planing on running a river manifold
on a tank i am setting up but i am planning on powering mine with large external filters
yeah mine is as well lets see what we both come up with lol