Can anyone recommend a good fungi id book? Mainly for a curious person to see what I walk past most days rather than wanting to eat them.
If you have 4G phone coverage, which a lot of fungi places don't eg New Forest, then this web site is good:
Edible Mushrooms...
It has photo's of cap, gills, stem, skirts (bit left on stem when cap opens), flesh (cut in half), spore prints, smell, taste (break the cap, taste the "milk" ensuring you are 100% sure it is not a naughty mushroom !!) and possible confusion species. All needed to identify correctly. The guy we were with had a mirror on a pole so he could look at skirt and gills (and how gills attach to the stem) with out having to bend down or pick the mushroom. He said spores under a microscope is really the best way for 100% id.
The book I have is the Bloomsbury Concise Mushroom Guide (£6 Amazon). Is OK, but only one drawing of each mushroom makes ID hard and there are many our guide found that are not in the book. Has index of both common and Latin names, handy when guide breaks out into Latin. Some Amazon reviews complain doesn't state if mushroom is edible or not, personally not bothered by that. I just leave the book in my waterproof jacket pocket, so handy if I see something.
What I (and wife) have found best is take phone photos, whilst out and about, make sure you have photo's of cap, stem and importantly the gills and then on sofa with cup of tea and biscuits using the above book and website you can identify your finds.