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fandango's tank


20 Jul 2008

Picture taken in July. Not in focus and slightly overgrown but this I think is a good representative of my tank's optimum moment between the big trims and it being too overgrown. It has been evolving for about 5 years now with some big adjustments but mostly careful and slow tweaking aided by knowledge mostly gathered from UKAPS forum. Here is the journal viewtopic.php?f=35&t=2538&start=0&hilit=fandango"


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Nice tank, however in my opinion the height of the foreground plants are too overpowering. would get a much better view of the crypts behind if foreground was a little shorter.
Another wonderful tank. I got to stop looking at all these beautiful tanks, Makes mine look like a child of 5 planted it up. I am starting a new scape in a new tank next week, and getting loads of good inspiration though
Mark Evans said:
Thank you Mark!
BigTom said:
Very nice indeed. Those crypts look really lush.
Thank you Tom!
L_Plates said:
That is fantastic, how you guys do this is beyond me.
Thank you L_Plates
fishfingers said:
nice scape fandango you can tell its a mature scape love it
Thank you fishfingers!
mattb180 said:
This is the sort of inspiration that keeps all of us beginners going! Great tank, really lush growth!
Thank you mattb180!
Dan-CR4 said:
Another wonderful tank. I got to stop looking at all these beautiful tanks, Makes mine look like a child of 5 planted it up. I am starting a new scape in a new tank next week, and getting loads of good inspiration though
Thank you Dan-CR4! It really is just the experience and learning from others which eventually translates into a satisfactory result for me.
GillesF said:
I love it. Simple and very natural!
Thank you GillesF! That is exactly the result I'm after - natural and most importantly a long-term scape which is very easy to maintain but still a half decent one.
Original said:
Nice tank, however in my opinion the height of the foreground plants are too overpowering. would get a much better view of the crypts behind if foreground was a little shorter.
Thank you! Yes, I agree with your criticism. However if you click on this link http://www.ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=2538&hilit=fandango&start=60 you will find various stages of this tank between the trimmings
- the first image there is one of the 'tidy' stage of this tank's maintenance cycle and perhaps would be more to your liking. I do only one large trim every few months.

easerthegeezer said:
Beautiful mate mate, is that anubias coffeefolia in the back right corner?? i was thinking of using this but didnt know it got THAT big if it is...?
Thank you so much easerthegeezer. Those are in fact anubias barteri. They grow absolutely huge in my tank. I wish I had an open top tank - they would have a chance to grow out and leave only the roots in the tank.
cherdemelle said:
Your aquarium is absolutely stunning. That just so naturalistic. Yummmm.🙂
Thank you so much cherdemelle!
awtong said:
Some beautiful Denisonii barbs enjoying your lovely lush tank!
Thanks Andy. Yes, I have four of them. They add some character and do look very nice. The only small drawback is that they do eat cherry shrimp. However, the shrimp multiply so rapidly that it all balances out quite nicely at the end. With tank this size and with lots of plants the shrimp numbers keep high even with denisonii present.
sanj said:
Nice, nice, nice! I remember this tank mainly because of the Denisoni connection. Is that hair grass or tenellus in the foreground? So i cant blame the Denisoni, it is indeed the rainbows who play silly buggers with my softer leaved plants.
Thank you sanj! It is in fact tenellus in the foreground. I've never seen denisonii eating any of my plants.
Hi,...I absolutely enjoyed reading your entire journal 😀 . This is like my dream "long term scape" tank. Such a lush growth of plants. Just a few questions though please,.. 😳

1. How do you manage it without water changes without being around for a month or so?
2. Have you ever faced co2 failure while being away?
faizal said:
Hi,...I absolutely enjoyed reading your entire journal 😀 . This is like my dream "long term scape" tank. Such a lush growth of plants. Just a few questions though please,.. 😳
1. How do you manage it without water changes without being around for a month or so?
2. Have you ever faced co2 failure while being away?
Thanks so much Faizal!
1.I do regular water changes when here- every 3, 4 days. If I'm away- the longest 3 months- I don't, also there is no fertilizing then. On my return I just restart the normal routine. There is usually more bba on anubias and ferns. I cut the affected leaves, clean the filters. The fish get fed 3 times a day when I'm away (Eheim auto feeder)- perhaps waste from fish keeps the plants reasonably happy? I have noticed that right below the feeder the crypts look bigger and healthier.
2. No. I've been fortunate. I do make sure the CO2 cylinder is full before I leave.