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Facebook Bargain Fluval Roma 200

So I have been wish listing a few more plants for this tank (who would have guessed it? 😀)

Found an Ebay seller that is offering some Different Lagenandra Species in In Vitro Portion Cups
Lagenandra Keralensis
Lagenandra Thwaitesii

I figured at the price offered it was worth a punt on a couple of each of these, once i see a bit more growth in the plants within this tank.

I have also moved over the Filter Media from the Fluval Evo last night (I loaded the back with as much additional sponge media as i could locate a few months ago in preparation for this tank) as well as connect my InkBird Temp Controller and completed a small cable tidy inside the cabinet
You might want to run some carbon and filter floss temporarily and it might be my imagination, I find some botanical additions, mainly alder cones, oak and beech leaves in my case, counter intuitive help clear a tank of the micro grey. The fish you are choosing might like a few leaves amongst the cobbles as well.
But honestly, it looks natural. My style of tank, though I just end up with a green jungle and largely hidden fish myself, no matter how hard I try. When I do a really big prune, what I call the hippopotamus munch (rear access thank, finesse is impossible), my wife always says, "I didn't realise you had so many fish".
You might want to run some carbon and filter floss temporarily and it might be my imagination, I find some botanical additions, mainly alder cones, oak and beech leaves in my case, counter intuitive help clear a tank of the micro grey. The fish you are choosing might like a few leaves amongst the cobbles as well.
But honestly, it looks natural. My style of tank, though I just end up with a green jungle and largely hidden fish myself, no matter how hard I try. When I do a really big prune, what I call the hippopotamus munch (rear access thank, finesse is impossible), my wife always says, "I didn't realise you had so many fish".
I will be adding some Filter Floss to the system at some point, the water will clear up eventually its just the unrinsed sand that's dusting up the place every time that I decide to plant or move something.

I hope to go on a gathering trip this weekend, as I want a few more Boulder Sized Stones for the tank as well as some Branches and Twigs as well as some leaf litter. I do need to be careful though as the agreement with the better half was not to let this tank "be like that twiggy mess" that my Fluval Evo was (which i loved) but I am on the look out for some Coconut leaves as well as maybe some husks to add to the tank as i've been reading a lot about the Western Ghats and have seen these mentioned more than a few times.
you should consider adding some more gravel that is in between the sand and the smaller gravel in size, just to add one more level of detail. love the sloping layout 🙂
Thats the plan for this weekend once i pick up some more plants for the tank
I absolutely adore these Kuhli Loaches

They're very active in the evening and into the night which is when I typically enjoy the tank as the lights shift down.

They're also keeping the rocks tidy with the constant snuffling for food. They are banking up the sandbed in places which is entertaining to see too.
Moved across the original Harlequin Rasboras from the EVO to this tank today. The size difference is quite obvious

The school is looking much better now however
I am slowly removing the Frog Bit from this tank and donating it to a goldfish keeper nearby who is very appreciative. This is allowing the Water Lettuce and Salvinia to take over the top which I do prefer in all honesty as the roots are more delicate and provide a better look.

Trying to decide whether I should look at Bio Film and algae eaters as the next addition or carry on with the plan of Glass Catfish and Gourami (Pearl)