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Excess plants


14 Sep 2016
Other than composting what can I do with excess aquatic plants?

Have dwarf lettuce and Pennywort taking over the tank, would fish eat it if I crushed it up?

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I new hobby called Wabi Kusa... :thumbup:
Other than composting what can I do with excess aquatic plants?

Have dwarf lettuce and Pennywort taking over the tank, would fish eat it if I crushed it up?

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Give it away/ sell it on the Sale area of UKAPS.
The sale area will become visible after the op makes 25 posts, great idea though Ryan 🙂
Hi all, You may be able to get a credit note for them at a LFS. Partially I like Amazon Frogbit as a floater because it is always in demand and easy to give away.

cheers Darrel
Why it always in demand ? Mine multiples like crazy... 😀
Hi all,
Why it always in demand ? Mine multiples like crazy...
I think probably because it isn't that easy to buy in shops, partially because you have to grow it floating, and that doesn't really fit in with the way that <"Tropica"> etc produce their plants.

How about this as an offer? <"3 x large Amazon Frogbit plants">.

cheers Darrel
I used to be quite gutted trimming back and having to chuck the cuttings...... then a load of friends got the bug and I gave them loads. Now they are fully planted I'm back to composting them and it breaks my heart :/