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evolution aqua pure aquarium balls

Ian Holdich

18 Feb 2010
lincoln uk
just wondered if anyone had used these at all in their planted tanks??

They claim that these wonder balls help break down organic waste in the tank. While i have purigen in my filter, these little things go in the tank and literally disappear when they hit the water.

They also claim that they give you 100% water clarity...anyways i got some, so shall try em out.

http://www.evolutionaqua.com/acatalog/P ... arium.html
I've seen them advertised before, probably useful in emergency situations but if your filters are running correctly I don't really see the need in magic potions!
i know what you mean, but it's the clarity thing i'm interested in...
ianho said:
i know what you mean, but it's the clarity thing i'm interested in...

Why not use Seachem "Clarity" ? or whatever its called ?
cos i have been given this product. lol

and it claims to work on the water clarity. I have seen the tank in my lfs and they have been using this for a week and the difference is astounding!
cheers Ady, i read that, Nathan really rated them. I shall report back to see if the clarity changes.
ianho said:
I shall report back to see if the clarity changes.
Not sure how you can improve on your water clarity Ian!
I have started mixing my RO with tap water as i went RO to keep Choc gouramis, but they all jumped! lol

It was getting expensive, so i'm cutting it with tap water and Lincolnshire tap water has a really high TDS (600+), so i have noticed my clarity isn't as good as it was with just RO. The Purigen is good, but it's hard to keep an eye on it without opening my filter every week, and i really haven't got time at the moment.
Ah, theres always something with this hobby!
Keep us posted, im always a little sceptical of such products, but the proof is in the pudding guinea pig!
Just hope it doesnt turn your scape into one of those marbled bottom goldfish bowls. :lol:
Ady34 said:
ianho said:
I shall report back to see if the clarity changes.
Not sure how you can improve on your water clarity Ian!

Replace his water with 60L of Gordons ! Cos its the only thing clearer, LOL.
ianho said:
I have started mixing my RO with tap water as i went RO to keep Choc gouramis, but they all jumped!

Lots (and lots) of cover helps them feel settled.
TBH, they seems to be OK, i did throw a new filter on the tank when i used these, and didn't seem to have any problems with mini cycles either.