I would be glad to use less CO2, but in my case it has to be there to keep up with 150+ PAR of light. You have to know your tank, understand its boundaries.
I think there lies the problem. One person's experiment doesn't really relate to someone else's tank. It's quite overwhelming the amount of information available and everyone who frequents this forum are here for very different reasons. If I see a new comer in the forum one of the first things to ask is what are they trying to achieve. Some people here just want some plants growing, some are getting a scape put together ready for a photo shoot for competition, some just a community fish tank and other don't want any chemicals or gas and high lighting just want it as nature intended, the Walsted way.
To the unsuspecting new punter they might feel that they have to replicate the competition tanks habits to grow some plants and before long their pockets are empty and they are disillusioned with the hobby and worse not even enjoying something that should be an enjoyable experience. The 1 unit drop is more for the quick scaper and right on the edge for people with fish of being a disaster IMO. BTW that tank of yours is beautiful.

I can only dream. I can't see any fish in there though so I can only guess which side of the coin you are on. Going off some of the chemical/mathematical hieroglyphics you posted earlier you're clearly a man of science.
I'm not being negative at all about this whole thing BTW. I'm following the post with interest because I will glean some useful information out of here and would like to see the results. I often find myself carrying out experiments just out of curiosity, the problem being when I do and let people know I often find that something else negates the results which I'd over looked but hey, it was fun while I was doing it.
My point was that if we all do the funnel thing capturing co2 we input and post our results what do we do with the answer? For instance right off the bat not all that co2 is going to end up in the container because some will dissolve in the water before it gets to the container so we have a duff result already. It's akin to finding out how long a piece of string actually is then realising we don't know what to do with the string or why we wanted a piece of string to start with.
I learnt my lesson from a shrimp tank on my desk. I would sit with test kits reading every post available. Stressing over every parameter and looking for answers, measuring this and measuring that. I've even seen myself nip home from work because I forgot to dose my macros in the morning.
😀 The shrimp tank, I put some cat litter in from a previous set up, few cuttings from my home tank, some RCS and a couple of stones I found round my way and the pleasure I got out of it was immeasurable. Only dosing when it looked like it needed it and changed water when I had some spare time.
The 1PH drop on a tank like yours is probably a must. On my desk shrimp tank not necessary and again, someone forgot to tell the plants because I was sick of thinning them out.