I started my journey into Aquascaping on the 31st August 2020 with 5 plants, a couple of rocks, and a big ol' heap of curiosity. This is a somewhat belated anniversary post. During the last year I have:
The Chain Sword
September 2020:

October 2020:

November 2020:

Jan 2021

April 2021

May 2021

August 2021

October 2021

So there you go. It takes about a year for a Bolivian chain sword to properly get going in a low tech tank with no soil to speak of. The same is true for the Vals - which you might spot in later photos.
The Panda Corys
I started with 6, then got a baby, then three died (including the baby 🙁) because - I think - I was under feeding them, then I bought two more, then suddenly there were 8 and then, uh, 11? 12? 13? Who knows. What I do know is that when they got to about 10 they hit a critical mass where they are enough so that they are always active and about and doing wildly bizarre Panda cory things - all of which are extremely tactile and involve constant physical interaction. Hands down my favourite fish.

The Tank itself
I still have plans to improve this - Having rigorously analysed a whole host of spectacular tanks from others on UKAPS, I've realised that less is sometimes more. So I'm going to ruthlessly remove a crypt at some point in the next month or so.
August 2020. Back in the hobby after a 35 year break.

October 2020. Do you feel y'all had - just maybe - been influencing me over the last couple of months?

December 2020. The rise of the Pogostomonster

April 2021. You can still just about see some of the pink rock on the left.

August 2021. Ok it's gone now.

September 2021 - the Pogostomonster is finally tamed!

- Killed a host of plants (I laugh at your 'easy' rating - I can kill anything!)
- Struggled to deal with rampant plant growth threatening to overwhelm my fragile ecosystems (ok, I can kill almost anything).
- Caught MTS right in the middle of the lockdown. Long MTS.
- Inadvertently caused shrimp genocide in one tank (top tip - don't do a w/c when your partner is frontlining the cats).
- Bred a hundred or so shrimp in another tank despite a Betta who as far as I can see lives on shrimp fry.
- Using a sandwich box from Tesco as a shrimp quarantine tank, successfully cured a shrimp with Cladogonium ogishimae in time to stop it spreading through my entire shrimp population.
- Beaten various forms of algae.
- Failed to grow java ferns that aren't black and spotty.
- Built up three tank's worth of frogbit from one single plant. And now have to bin a tank's worth every week.
- Defeated a Hydra invasion.
- Done my first intentional aquascape with driftwood, Frodo stone and silicone glue.
- Had a few fish die on me for no readily apparent reason. Apart from the jumper. The reason was pretty obvious there.
- Accidentally built up a school of roughly 12 Panda Corys who spend all their time shagging and every now and then pop out another sprog.
- Spent an evening happily blanching and freezing nettles.
- Kept a small spiky moss in a ramekin on my desk where others might have a pot plant (I popped it there one pruning session whilst I worked out what do do with it. That was 7 months ago and it's still there).
- Discovered that my complete inability to tell one Buce from another hasn't at all dented my obsession to collect one of every single variety. I do find the periodic ads on the forum reassuring, though - "Mixed collection of Buces for sale. Not quite sure which." I am not alone.
- Possibly irreparably damaged my bank balance.
The Chain Sword
September 2020:

October 2020:

November 2020:

Jan 2021

April 2021

May 2021

August 2021

October 2021

So there you go. It takes about a year for a Bolivian chain sword to properly get going in a low tech tank with no soil to speak of. The same is true for the Vals - which you might spot in later photos.
The Panda Corys
I started with 6, then got a baby, then three died (including the baby 🙁) because - I think - I was under feeding them, then I bought two more, then suddenly there were 8 and then, uh, 11? 12? 13? Who knows. What I do know is that when they got to about 10 they hit a critical mass where they are enough so that they are always active and about and doing wildly bizarre Panda cory things - all of which are extremely tactile and involve constant physical interaction. Hands down my favourite fish.

The Tank itself
I still have plans to improve this - Having rigorously analysed a whole host of spectacular tanks from others on UKAPS, I've realised that less is sometimes more. So I'm going to ruthlessly remove a crypt at some point in the next month or so.
August 2020. Back in the hobby after a 35 year break.

October 2020. Do you feel y'all had - just maybe - been influencing me over the last couple of months?

December 2020. The rise of the Pogostomonster

April 2021. You can still just about see some of the pink rock on the left.

August 2021. Ok it's gone now.

September 2021 - the Pogostomonster is finally tamed!
