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5 Jul 2016
Yesterday I commit a murder of one of my favorites, the biggest of SAE's I have.
its around 5" long and fat lovely.
I saw all the fish gasping for air at the surface and the biggest SAE already belly up
caught in the floating leaves. Upon a closer look noticed emergency and stopped CO2 supply
and installed two air pumps one at either ends, all the fish stabilized with in an hour swimming mid water like usual.

Checked CO2, its at 1-2 BPS and indicator is at lime green, nothing unusual.
I only suspect the plant mass for oxygen depletion in the water column.

I didn't run air pumps during night time as i see healthy growing plants are sufficient to provide enough air,
recently plants grown like a jungle and I am waiting for my friend to collect, so neglected to trim.
I guess too much plant mass consumed all the air in the water.
Luckily I was early yesterday after work so prevented a washout.

Live stock,
50+ rummy nose tetra
12 H rasbora
10 Pristella tetra
7(was 8) SAE, 3pc 4" + and 4pc 2"+
5 golden algae eaters
3 sterbai cory
3 Denison barb
few thousands of shrimps....

things I changed recently,
- replaced 2080 with a 2078 and min flow during night and max flow at day time
- not trimmed the plants for almost a month and the tank looks like a real jungle,
all the plants growing nice and healthy.

No change in lighting period(2pm to 8pm) CO2 supply( @ 2BPS from 1pm to 7pm)and ferts dosing
No traces of Algae,

I stopped CO2 supply y'day and today and running two air pumps 24hrs.
Does any one faced this problem earlier? How you all do it and what do you suggest?

poor casualty is here...

If I take some water from my tank and leave it for 24h it will reach the pH of 6.8, with CO2 I'm getting to 6.0, at night... it's 6.2, not much higher, so this is how much CO2 the plants are producing at night. With high plant mass you might need higher flow at night. I see you have min flow at night, change that to medium or something like that and everything should be back to normal.
If I take some water from my tank and leave it for 24h it will reach the pH of 6.8, with CO2 I'm getting to 6.0, at night... it's 6.2, not much higher, so this is how much CO2 the plants are producing at night. With high plant mass you might need higher flow at night. I see you have min flow at night, change that to medium or something like that and everything should be back to normal.
Yeah, I relate to the high flow rate at nights now...I already gave my tank a good haircut and will change the flow to high at night and low at day, by the way the tank is running on two filters, there is another 2075 running and untouched all the way.

Anyway I will monitor the things this weekend and will trim plants regularly.

There is always something that can go wrong.... huh!!

Thanks for the replies.

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Arghh, bummer. sorry to hear that.

Your SAEs look a different species to mine. I love my SAEs too, very entertaining.
They were labelled as SAE when I buy two years ago, an inch to two back then.
May be Chinese Algae eaters, they were active and eat almost from hand. Very entertaining to watch them swim can be seen from any corner of the house.
I noticed he lost his barbels also not sure how..

Sent from my HUAWEI GRA-UL00 using Tapatalk
They were labelled as SAE when I buy two years ago, an inch to two back then.
May be Chinese Algae eaters, they were active and eat almost from hand. Very entertaining to watch them swim can be seen from any corner of the house.
I noticed he lost his barbels also not sure how..

Sent from my HUAWEI GRA-UL00 using Tapatalk
Think it might be the angle and the light. I thought it didn't look like my SAE but looking at

I think it might be an SAE
They were labelled as SAE when I buy two years ago, an inch to two back then.
May be Chinese Algae eaters, they were active and eat almost from hand. Very entertaining to watch them swim can be seen from any corner of the house.
I noticed he lost his barbels also not sure how..

Sent from my HUAWEI GRA-UL00 using Tapatalk

There are several different species of SAEs. Yours are definitely SAEs, just a different type to mine. Same as yours, mine eat from my hand as well. They are lovely fish to have. Sorry for your loss.