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Ember Tetra turned blue (ill)

I suspect it is the same unknown illness among Ember tetras. It may look blue or black under different lightings. You can even spot some Embers with the symptom in an ADA official video on YouTube.

IME, some started with a tiny black dot, some started with black line along the body. Then the fish would lose its color. If it reached the gills, the fish would die within days from hypoxia. Otherwise, it could take months. They would eat, swim but they were slowly wasted away.

I've been searching the web for years without finding a good answer. I think it might be tuberculosis.
A while back I had a similar problem with my Ember Tetras. A black line would appear in what seemed like their intestines, and they would die. I thought maybe it was some sort of internal bacterial infection so treated them accordingly. Unfortunately it didn't work and they still died. 🙁

I've kept several different types of tetras over the years, and found embers to be one of the most difficult to keep successfully. I don't know what your water stats are, but I keep mine in a 50:50 mix of RO and treated tap water to reduce my hardness levels down to sensible levels for them. I've also found that adding catappa leaves to the tank has helped a lot.
Count me in.. Started with a blue nose tip.. But it's 2 weeks now, behaivor is normal and good appetite. Can't say it's ill yet... Do they realy die from this?


🙂 Mine didn't die from it it turned red again after a few weeks, the dark tip on the upper lip stayed the longest and slowly faded back to normal color. Haven't looked for a while not sure if it's still there, i'll see in the morning if i can find here back among the other 10.. 🙂
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