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Elecocharis Acicularis (and mini) - Emersed Start?


18 Apr 2012
So I'll be setting up a nano this month, and as I made a brew in my kitchen earlier and observed the various bits of Ele. Acic floating around in my Rio 180, I wondered....would an emersed start help avoid this in the nano?

My experience with both Ele. Acic and Ele. Acic sp Mini so far has been:

- Plant each individual plantlet and compress the substrate around it - works well, but takes bloody ages considering how many hundreds of plantlets you can have

- Plant plantlets as a small bunch and compress the substrate around it - works well to start with, but if you get any die-off, there is then enough "wiggle room" around the bunch that the odd plantlet is no longer sufficiently gripped by the substrate and floats free - this is what is happening in my Rio 180

- Plant plantlets as a bunch, but add plant weight to it. This works, but I can't help feeling that I'm getting less runners from the plants that have lead wrapped around them, possibly because it physically restricts the runners being sent out?

So, is there a 4th option I'm missing? Would these plants do well from an emersed start to get decent roots into the substrate and anchor a bit better? If so, any advice would be greatly appreciated since I've never tried.

Plant it individually, its appearance as it grows in is far superior this way Rick. Monotonous yet rewarding :jimlad:.

Start as you wish, I would say emersed growth would be more rapid than immersed, due to Co2 availability.

Ok, I can cope with that recommendation for the Ebi. There's no way I'm redoing the Rio though, I'll just replant any escaping plantlets.

Damn you for the helpful advice that wasn't what I wanted to hear Nath :p.
I've got to say, I'm not sure I'd do it on anything bigger than a nano. When I look at how much there is in my Rio 180, there must be 200-300 plantlets in there I expect!
Will do, expect to have your name cursed later this month though! (Only verbally, not into voodoo dolls, so don't worry :p).
Afraid Whitey is right, the best effect is planting individual plant lets. My neck ached for days on my 60cm

I planted both Eleoc. Acic and Mini in my tank this is what it looked like day1, i planted with only an inch of water and then filled it up very slowly. Got a few floaters (Not the nasty kind:what:)

Full Tank Shot by andyh_2011, on Flickr
Hmm - anyone on here got children of work experience age who want to earn less than the minimum wage for tedious work? :D