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Elatine triandra

I've never grown it, I've also never seen it for sale in the uk. I remember reading that is has similar needs to glosso, It also travels very poorly.
I've found it in irrigation canals here. It's native to CA. It grows really FAST AND IS PRETTY, BUT LIKE GLOSS, CAN OVERWHELM. Seeds travel well and if you can ship it inside 96 hours or less.
It should handle chilling well, but not freezing.

Tom barr
Tom do you have any? I'd be prepared to try some for the cost of shipping.
The Singapore dealers often sell it.
You might try German sources and Tropica perhaps.
Malta has that other species.

They should be flowering about now and going to seed, so you might try asking for seeds from Malta.
I do not keep such weedy plants any more, at least not right now, but perhaps for awhile later on I might.

Tom Barr
aquaspot have this plant on their list but it's going to shipped from singapore and you probably get some mushy stem plant when you receive it.
Oooo nice link thank you James 😀
I just love the various German online stores and here is a new one for my bookmarks! I get the impression the hobby is so much more advanced (and cheaper) there than in the UK.
These guys have no less than 20 varieties of crypt, only Aquaspot can beat that (Tropica = 10, Dennerle = 16)! Has anyone tried them - are they any good?
daniel19831123 said:
aquaspot have this plant on their list but it's going to shipped from singapore and you probably get some mushy stem plant when you receive it.

Yes, it's true and anyone who's attempting to buy this plant should already know that it's a fragile plant.

We have shipped this to the UK to a hobbyist, quite some time ago. Not sure if they made it though.
It'd be interesting to see how this goes, I think Arana, Mark might be onto something in suggesting it might be tropica's new plant though. Fingers crossed people.
If I'm not mistaken this is considered a mild pest weed in the rice fields in Japan. So if you happen to be in Japan, go to a rice field and pick one from there! Below is a link to the page on Elatine triandra from the website calling itself "encyclopedia of rice field weeds" (sorry all in Japanese but you can appreciate the way they really grow). http://had0.big.ous.ac.jp/plantsdic/ang ... hakobe.htm. Also from the hp of this website you can find all sorts of "aquarium" plants listed. http://had0.big.ous.ac.jp/plantsdic/pla ... suiden.htm.