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EI salts work :)

Martin cape

21 Dec 2012
Only been dosing them a week and I've had problems with co2 reg and my Amazon Sword has still grown about 2 inch since last weekend!!!! Gonna be huge!!!

What you got under the sand mate? Think im going to start mixing my own ferts soon too, once I have more plants. Only problem is I didn't research enough before I started my tank (like a tool) and I've only got sand over about 1cm of gravel, no soil. Which I now regret. Hopefully by selecting the right plants and with the EI ferts it will do reasonably well.
I'm the same pal. No research. I just wanted sand so at the min it's just a layer of sand.

I've just put some TNC root tabs in mind. But again, only been in a week.

I'm using this website and dosing accordingly pal Estimative Index | FluidsensorOnline.com

Bought all the salts from there and made them up myself 🙂
I do add a bit of Calcium Chloride and Baking Soda to increase KH and GH.

Just started dosing CO2 today again. New reg is here and it's spot on. Starting at 2.5 bps.
Only been dosing them a week and I've had problems with co2 reg and my Amazon Sword has still grown about 2 inch since last weekend!!!! Gonna be huge!!!
Umm...yeah and that will be trouble. Based on that photo I'd say that flow and distribution in that tank will be an issue, especially as the total plant mass increases. That looks like a couple of stems of Althernanthera or some kind of Ludwigia on the far right front, which, based on that image, is furthest from the flow. So that was not a good location for them. They look none too happy. Down turned, crinkled leaves, some stems missing leaves. Classic nutritional failure. You should put your CO2 diffuser right under them to help them out for a while.

I would move that sword as far away to the rear as possible, to allow better flow around those stems. Swords have a tendency to dominate a tank, and that's why they have been relegated to discus style "biotope" tanks in aquascaping. The do a good job aerating the sediment and so will improve bacterial action down there, which is good, but their "urban sprawl" become a nuisance. I would actually trim some of those outer leaves off. Not only will that give the plant a more elegant appearance, but it will prevent it from sprawling and being invasive - unless of course if you actually like that look. In that case, no worries.

Cheers Clive. The one in the back corner has only been in a matter of days really, I thought it might hide the filter which I've decided to replace anyway. If I remove the outer leaves some CO2 might reach it. I have the Koralia facing towards that direction which is directly above the diffuser. So hopefully it might circulate. I'm in the process of getting an external, just trying to decide which Eheim and one that fits in the cupboard.

Ill trim the outer leaves and see how that fairs. I kinda guessed at some point it might get too big. I have 2 others aswell at the back.

I liked them and in my previous set up they didnt get very big. But I didn't dose ferts, co2 or root tabs etc. now I'm going all out, things will have to change.

This is why i appreciate all your advice Clive. Ill give it a week dosing etc. and ill take a pic of my entire tank and see if you have anymore advice for me 🙂