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Echinodorus tenellus - trimming?

I have been trimming mine in the "regular" way and the plants are still sending out lots of runners. I will try and get a shot of it currently (tho... I've been trying to get that shot all week! but I keep forgetting...) to show the differences in growth whilst trimming.
Tenellus is quit easy in terms of trimming. Once runners have established, and most of the terrestrial growth has transformed, you can trim it just like a lawn.

Cut it, right to the base. Done fear...it will grow back.

This example is from a tank i set up 2 weeks ago. The same day i did my 120cm

There's a before and after, but not yet an after trimming pic...yet.

You can see the day 1 and the exactly 2 weeks after. It's good to trim now. Even with the hydrocotyle, which is weed like, just mow the whole foreground.
