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Echinodorus Reni dwarfism


6 Jul 2023
Hello everyone,

I have 3 Echinodorus Reni from a Tropica tissue culture pot in my tank since summer 2023.

My issue is that they stay really small. The plants are not dying even if not in the best health possible. It shoot new leaves at a really slow rate but never grow in size whatever I do and it gets munch by snail a bit. See picture at the end of the post.

All the other plant in the tank are pretty healthy and there is no algae visible in the tank. The tank has been running since November 2022

Equipments :
26W white led
Small internal filter 400L/
DIY CO2 yeast jello method

Water parameter :
0dKH / 4dgH
I mineralize RO with dry salt at a ratio 3/1 : Ça/Mg.
6 month ago, I was using tap water to do so, giving the following parameter 3dKH / 5dgH.

Fertiliser per week using DIY salt solution :
3 ppm NO3 / 0,3 ppm PO4 / 2ppm K / 0,16 ppm Fe + Micro.
I use Easy life Profito to dose Fe + Micro
6 month ago I was dosing 4 times this amount of Macro, I've reduced progressively since then without any visible effect.

25L WC each week

The tank temperature has been as low as 23 °C and as high as 27°C ( related to breeding fish )

Also I've moved the Echinodorus a bit some month ago without any consequence on it.

The only culprit I could see is my substrate ( aquasoil + gravel ) which is only 2 cm high and exhausted since a long time ago. I'm not planning on using root tabs because I had issue with them in the past.


The rest of the plants look like they are growing well. It could be because of the DIY CO2 as the delivery may be inconsistent.